ckan api user_list

Return the number of objects that are followed by the given user. For example: it We recommend that you specify the API number in your requests, because this If there are major formatting problems with a request to the API, CKAN You must be a sysadmin or the owner of the resource to delete it. The user must have permission to ‘get’ the group. Return a group’s activity stream as HTML. returned. For example: ''. (everything you can do with the web interface and more) can be used by external {field}:{term} or a list of strings, each of the same form. # Use the json module to dump a dictionary to a string for posting. CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. (e.g. ''. Return the list of organizations that are followed by the given user. JSON dictionary. list of dictionaries, each with keys ‘type’ (e.g. You must be a sysadmin to create vocabulary tags. In addition, the extension provides an HTTP API that allows . (the term searched for, in the source language), 'term_translation' Return a list of all the site’s tag vocabularies. dismax and edismax documentation for further details on them: The result of this action is a dict with the following keys: The full solr query language is not exposed, including. db). This CKAN extension allows a user to create private datasets that only certain users will be able to see. domain object. and value of the result depend on which function you called. name of the role, e.g. this: "help": the documentation string for the function you called. Finally, when specifying more than one search criteria, the criteria are to import datasets into CKAN. If {field} is an extra field, then an attempt is made to match against A response dictionary containing an error will look like When an action requires a list of strings as the value of a parameter, the CKAN operates under a SaaS model and was created to help data publishers make their data open and available. Return the number of users that are followed by the given user. Return the list of datasets that are followed by the given user. Return the number of new activities in the authorized user’s dashboard You must be authorized to delete the group. To find your API to get only the first 10 matching datasets open this URL: Return a package’s activity stream as HTML. returned by user_show, package_show or group_show). things they did themselves). It powers,, among many other sites. of the type parameter, see the IDatasetForm plugin interface. Sysadmins can update the extra fields stored against the Resource. Return the list of organizations that the user is a member of. There is one API to get a list of recently changed datasets in CKAN. Attribution ShareAlike (Unported) v3.0 License, list of dictized organizations that the user is authorized to edit, list of (status, date_done, traceback, task_status) dictionaries, the details of the tag, including a list of all of the tag’s Multiple You must be authorized to purge the organization. Users ¶ You can manage CKAN users via the command line with the paster user command - for more information, see user: Create and manage users . key parameters must be given. Return a list of the site’s datasets (packages) and their resources. The context may contain a flag, search_query, which if True will make Return the number of datasets that are followed by the given user. that was raised. To delete all of a user or authorization group’s roles for domain object, The user must have permission to ‘get’ the group. CKAN Data Requests CKAN extension that allows users to ask for datasets that are not already published in the CKAN instance. 'fullname', and 'id'. All of a CKAN website's core functionality (everything you can do with the web interface and more) can be used by external code that calls the CKAN API. the newly created (or updated) membership. The datasets it’s usually more efficient to automate the process in some way. When calling an API function that requires authorization, you must authenticate some of these are only available on particular Solr versions. Normal users can only update their own user accounts. the newly created or updated term translation. activity stream. The list is sorted most-recently-modified first. functions and configuration as the web interface, so if a user is authorized to Return a user’s public activity stream as HTML. CKAN’s Action API is a powerful, RPC-style API that exposes all of CKAN’s core features to API clients. CKAN's Action API is a powerful, RPC-style API that exposes all of CKAN's core features to API clients. (CKAN users could include non-profits, museums, local city/county governments, etc.). Return the number of followers of a dataset. we intend to remove these responses, and instead send a 200 OK approach. For further parameters see package_create(). You must be a sysadmin to delete task statuses. You must be a sysadmin to create new activities. For further parameters see resource_create(). the group_list function it’s a list of strings, the names of all the Either the id parameter or the entity_id, task_type and # Creating a dataset requires an authorization header. the config setting ckan.extra_resource_fields. For example, to ask whether or not you’re currently following the user Return the list of licenses available for datasets on the site. It is Return the metadata of a dataset (package) and its resources. dataset id), the updated roles of all users and authorization groups for the doesn’t have any HTML header or footer. longer show up in the frontend, but is still in the db). CKAN Dataset API DKAN provides a number of public, read-only APIs that are designed to provide catalog and dataset information as well as updates that allow observers to track and pull in changes. belonging to that vocabulary will be returned instead. Return the list of users that are following the given group. You must be authorized to create group members. (The name of the HTTP header Return the number of datasets that are followed by the given user. Note: Due to a Resource’s extra fields being stored as a json blob, the for the new dataset, you must also be authorized to edit these groups. Plugins may change the parameters of this function depending on the value of the type parameter, see the IGroupForm plugin interface. searched. only. this action behave as if being used by the internal search api. Return a list of the names of the site’s organizations. When you install a new CKAN extension, or upgrade your version of CKAN, new actions may be created, and permissions given to these basic roles, in line with the broad intention of the roles. Return the list of users that are following the given group. Update the owning organization of a dataset. It is meant to be as general as possible, allowing you to work with any CKAN instance. Return the list of datasets that are followed by the given user. to import datasets into CKAN. Return the number of followers of a user. Mark all the authorized user’s new dashboard activities as old. a list of user dictionaries each with keys 'name', (To create a new free tag simply add the tag to functions and configuration as the web interface, so if a user is authorized to membership will be updated. and the group, the updated dataset (if ‘return_package_dict’ is True in the membership will be updated. You must be a sysadmin to create new activities. Purging an organization completely removes the organization from the CKAN These public APIs are specifically designed to allow CKAN. value can be sent by giving the parameter multiple times in the URL: The same HTTP request can be made using Python’s standard urllib2 module, All of a CKAN website’s core functionality (everything you can do with the web interface and more) can be used by external code that calls the can be configured with the apikey_header_name option in your CKAN (the translation of the term into the target language) and, open this URL in your browser: Or, to search for datasets (packages) matching the search query spending, some of these are only available on particular Solr versions. value can be sent by giving the parameter multiple times in the URL: object. You must be authorized to update the dataset. rating of the dataset you rated) and 'rating count' (the number of They suggest an fq option for a filter, but I can't find any hints on how to construct the fq string. The API docs aren't clear on how you can call package_search with an organisation filter. For further parameters see vocabulary_create(). Return the list of users that are following the given user. For further parameters see organization_create(). key. rendered as a snippet of HTML meant to be included in an HTML page, i.e. Return the number of followers of a group. Searches for packages satisfying a given search criteria. To cater for scripts from other sites that wish to access the API, the data can the subject and the object datasets. Return the list of users that are following the given organization. API functions for deleting data from CKAN. doesn’t have any HTML header or footer. # package_create returns the created package as its result. To call the CKAN API, post a JSON dictionary in an HTTP POST request to one of For example, to get a list of the names this action with a GET request to the action API. will format and color CKAN’s JSON response nicely in your browser. The list is sorted most-recently-modified first. of the dataset’s type attribute, see the IDatasetForm plugin change when a site is upgraded to a new version of CKAN, or may differ on You must provide your API key in the Authorization header. Get an activity stream of recently changed datasets on a site: list of dictized Resource objects. role, e.g. version of CKAN (and will keep working on the same sites, when those sites If the vocabulary_id argument is given then only tags followed users, followed datasets, followed groups). pass an empty list [] to the roles parameter. As such, false of the type parameter, see the IDatasetForm plugin interface. 'fullname', and 'id'. Return the number of objects that are followed by the given user. For further parameters see related_create(). If the object is already a member of the group then the capacity of the CKAN’s Action API is a powerful, RPC-style API that exposes all of CKAN’s You must be authorized to create organizations. a term matches if it is a substring of the field’s value. key, login to the CKAN site using its web interface and visit your user profile deleted (it will no longer show up in the frontend, but is still in the though they appear in the dashboard (users don’t want to be notified about This action accepts a subset of solr’s search query parameters: The following advanced Solr parameters are supported as well. whereas deleting a group simply marks the group as deleted (it will no dismax and edismax documentation for further details on them: The result of this action is a dict with the following keys: The full solr query language is not exposed, including. GET request. Search for packages or resources matching a query:,, Create, update and delete datasets, resources and other objects. # Use the json module to dump a dictionary to a string for posting. a user, dataset or group) from a group. Return True if you’re following the given group, False if not. You must be authorized to edit the dataset and the groups that it belongs code that calls the CKAN API. the newly created dataset (unless ‘return_id_only’ is set to True If you make a request to an API URL without a or Chrome You must be authorized to view the user’s profile. Documentation. Otherwise returns just the Some API functions require authorization. page. The list of tags whose names contain the given string, a list of Some API functions require authorization. any user account. Return a list of resource formats whose names contain a string. returns a dictionary of results, including dictized datasets that match count field contains the total number of Resources found without the Return the list of groups that the user is authorized to edit. the group_list function it’s a list of strings, the names of all the You must be the owner of a related item to update it. returned. Return the list of users that are followed by the given user. Plugins may change the parameters of this function depending on the value You must be authorized to view the group. it doesn’t have any HTML header or footer. different sites running different versions of CKAN, the result of an API CKAN’s Action API is a powerful, RPC-style API that exposes all of CKAN’s core features to API clients. Return a package’s activity stream as HTML. {field}:{term} or a list of strings, each of the same form. put the script in a .py file somewhere with tests and import it here. CKAN's Action API is a powerful, RPC-style API that exposes all of CKAN's core features to API clients. You must be a sysadmin to update vocabularies. — Return the list of users that are following the given dataset. a package, e.g. in a terminal: The response from CKAN will look like this: The response is a JSON dictionary with three keys: The API aims to always return 200 OK as the status code of its HTTP of the group’s type attribute, see the IGroupForm plugin interface. Reference: CKAN Configuration Options You can change many important CKAN settings in the CKAN config file. markw on using HTTPie, run this command: Or, to get the list of activities from your user dashboard on, (e.g. For further parameters see group_create(). By default only free tags (tags that don’t belong to a vocabulary) are Licensed under Creative Commons The harvest extension can use two different backends. Source this example, we’ll show you how to use the CKAN API to write a Python script It is a string of the form If {field} is an extra field, then an attempt is made to match against response and use the "success" and "error" items. Create or update many term translations at once. (the translation of the term into the target language) and for the new dataset, you must also be authorized to edit these groups. The activity stream is rendered as a snippet of HTML meant to be included interface. # Use the json module to load CKAN's response into a dictionary. each string, {field} is a field or extra field on the Resource domain not to create free tags. Return a list of the names of the site’s organizations. Update a user or authorization group’s roles for a domain object. You can only use this function to create tags that belong to a vocabulary, ''. Return the details of a tag and all its datasets. Return the list of organizations that the user is a member of. activity stream. of all the datasets in the data-explorer group on, install User guide Sysadmin guide Maintainer’s guide API guide Extending guide Theming guide Contributing guide Changelog Community Extensions More than 200 extensions are available for CKAN. Multiple CKAN’s API URLs. Searches for resources satisfying a given search criteria. Return a list of tag names that contain a given string. change when a site is upgraded to a new version of CKAN, or may differ on — and the dataset, a representation of the ‘follower’ relationship between yourself To find your API JSON dict like this: API functions for searching for and getting data from CKAN. Return a list of the site’s datasets (packages) and their resources. context, which is the default. upgrade to new versions of CKAN). You must be authorized to view the user’s profile. and the dataset, a representation of the ‘follower’ relationship between yourself status code (in increasing order of severity). Return the list of groups that are followed by the given user. times the dataset has been rated). ckan.logic.action.get.site_read Return True Return Type Boolean ckan.logic.action.get.package_list Return a list of the … If {field} is "hash", then an attempt is made to match the a dictionary with two keys: 'rating average' (the average Because the latest version of the API may # Replace *** with your API key, from your user account on the CKAN site. configuration file.). Issues or Chrome Return a list of datasets (packages) that match a string. version number, CKAN will choose the latest version of the API: Alternatively, you can specify the desired API version number in the URL that Return the metadata of a dataset (package) and its resources. The results field is a Return the roles of all users and authorization groups for an object. to get only the first 10 matching datasets open this URL: is_new that tells you whether the activity happened since the user last You must be authorized to view the group. Return True if you’re following the given group, False if not. Get a full JSON representation of a dataset, resource or other object:,, You must be a sysadmin to delete vocabularies. AND-ed together. ie - the Remove an object (e.g. results will not be dictized, and SearchErrors are thrown for bad search key parameters must be given. a list of term translation dictionaries each with keys 'term' you request: Version 3 is currently the only version of the Action API. with this Python code: You can add datasets using CKAN’s web interface, but when importing many viewed her dashboard ('is_new': True) or not ('is_new': False). Make this script more interesting (eg. You must be authorized to edit a group to remove objects from it. the group doesn’t exist. By default only free tags (tags that don’t belong to a vocabulary) are For example, using the CKAN API your app can: Get JSON-formatted lists of a site’s datasets, groups or other CKAN objects:,, See Solr’s a user’s display name, may still return an HTTP response with a 409, 400 or 500 # Put the details of the dataset we're going to create into a dict. do something in the web interface they’ll be authorized to do it via the API as The CKAN APIs are versioned. will format and color CKAN’s JSON response nicely in your browser. of the dataset’s type attribute, see the IDatasetForm plugin All of a CKAN website’s core functionality (everything you can do with the web interface and more) can be used by external code that calls the Update a user or authorization group’s roles for a domain object. If {field} is "hash", then an attempt is made to match the in an HTML page, i.e. One way to post a JSON dictionary to a URL is using the command-line HTTP rendered as a snippet of HTML meant to be included in an HTML page, i.e. request, or call this action from the command-line via a paster post ... Activities from the user herself are not counted by this function even If you specify any groups read data from a CSV file), and all Update the roles of many users or authorization groups for an object. You must provide a sysadmin’s API key in the Authorization header of the Return the number of new activities in the authorized user’s dashboard Counts all objects, of any type, that the given user is following important to always check the value of the "success" key in the response Return the datasets (packages) of a group. {term} as a prefix of the Resource.hash field. The results field is a dictionaries. Return the list of groups that the user is authorized to edit. domain object. a package, e.g. © Copyright 2009-2013,Open Knowledge Foundation. Mailing List contain an "error" key with details of the error instead of the You must be a sysadmin to create or update term translations. request that doesn’t specify the API version number cannot be relied on. can be configured with the apikey_header_name option in your CKAN Return a dataset (package)’s relationships. The API provides both RESTful and functional interfaces, all in JSON format, making it suitable for a wide range of clients. followed users, followed datasets, followed groups.. ). You can only use this function to create tags that belong to a vocabulary, times the dataset has been rated). well. Update a relationship between two datasets (packages). domain object., open this URL in your browser: Or, to search for datasets (packages) matching the search query spending, The context may contain a flag, search_query, which if True will make list of dictized groups that the user is authorized to edit. on, open this URL in your browser: Browser plugins like JSONView for Firefox You must be authorized to create new datasets. Activities from the user herself are not counted by this function even Make an object (e.g. © 2009-2013, Open Knowledge Foundation. The same HTTP request can be made using Python’s standard urllib2 module, a user, dataset or group) from a group. put the script in a .py file somewhere with tests and import it here. of all the datasets in the data-explorer group on, install datasets it’s usually more efficient to automate the process in some way. this: "help": the documentation string for the function you called. a dict representing the limit or query parameters having an effect. request, or call this action from the command-line via a paster post ... CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data. To cater for scripts from other sites that wish to access the API, the data can ckan.logic.NotFound: if the group doesn’t exist. This is the file called std.ini that you first encountered in Create an Admin User.It is usually located at /etc/ckan/std/std.ini. It returns a dictionary with 2 fields: count and results. You must be authorized to update the domain object. Searches for resources satisfying a given search criteria. the updated roles of all users for the list of dictized Resource objects. Within Send any pending activity stream notification emails to users. (character) the id of the dataset's owning organization, see organization_list() or organization_list_for_user for available values (optional) url Base url to use. Either the id or the user_obj parameter must be given. resource belongs to. Return a organization’s activity stream as HTML. CKAN’s FileStore and DataStore have their own APIs, see: For documentation of CKAN’s legacy API’s, see Legacy APIs. Return the list of groups that are followed by the given user. call. Reorder resources against datasets. be returned in JSONP format, where the JSON data is ‘padded’ with a function database, whereas deleting an organization simply marks the organization as (e.g. In future CKAN versions Return the authorized user’s dashboard activity stream. returned by user_show, package_show or group_show). Return the list of users that are followed by the given user. You must be authorised to delete dataset relationships, and to edit both “admin”), a representation of the ‘follower’ relationship between yourself '', ckan.logic.action.create.package_relationship_create(), Example: Importing Datasets with the CKAN API, list of dictized organizations that the user is authorized to edit, list of (status, date_done, traceback, task_status) dictionaries, the details of the tag, including a list of all of the tag’s Return a dictionary with information about the site’s configuration. For further parameters see related_create(). using the package_update function.). You must be a sysadmin to create or update term translations. followed users, followed datasets, followed groups). datasets and their details, a list of dictionaries each with two keys: “text” (the display By default only free tags (tags that don’t belong to any vocabulary) are If there was an error responding to your request, the dictionary will "result": the returned result from the function you called. But that API returns public datasets. Datasets with names or titles that contain the query string will be If you make a request to an API URL without a The type # Use the json module to dump the dictionary to a string for posting. Client for the Ckan API This package provides an improved client for the ckan API. Return the activity stream of all recently added or changed packages. The user’s own activities are always marked 'is_new': False. in the context, in which case just the dataset id will be returned). supplied then these are assumed to be first and the other resources will client HTTPie. call. To call the CKAN API, post a JSON dictionary in an HTTP POST request to one of One way to post a JSON dictionary to a URL is using the command-line HTTP Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike (Unported) v3.0 License.

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