fed up manuscript

Thursdays are a bit of a conundrum. Take a break- don’t touch it for a few days. [holds up the casserole containing the olives, pepper, sports bars, mustard, and anything else in it. I tell co-authors to correct everything that needs to be corrected, to add everything that needs to be added (including COMPLETE) references and prohibit them to comment. OK, this won’t be your best hit but you finished something and you have peace of mind for other work now. I don't usually rework old papers to bring them completely up to date though I have sometimes suggested that to PhD students if there is still an interesting question to work on. If you work in a rapidly advancing field, you may be commonly find that your published papers are seriously outdated shortly after they're published. Katie Couric. You were right. "[Luan sneaks it out and Lynn Sr. resorts to opening cans with Geo's teeth. FED UP is the film the food industry doesn’t want you to see. As to coauthors, I do not have much experience (with very few exceptions I am the single author of all my papers, and do not wish to change this) but I think that there are several possibilities. "Lynn Sr.: "...go back to the store! Většina Evropy je naprosto otrávena současným systémem, ve kterém řídí svět globální nadnárodní společnosti a banky. ]Lincoln: "I found a jar of olives! There's not mushroom for error." Advances in methods for data collection, or in methods for extracting the variables that we analyze, can result in data that no longer serve any useful scientific purpose: they cannot be integrated with results of ongoing studies or be used for evaluating current theories. I'll literally break out! Let us make dinner tomorrow night. Perhaps the final arbiter should be how you feel about the data when you work with them. If other projects, essays or reports would add more, the time spent on the old report will be lost to something that would be more to your advantage. I understand your pain. As far advanced as artificial intelligence is today, I don't think any computer algorithm can do that kind of work because it takes first some experience in how to write good science and second, some literary skills. ]Rita: "Does anyone have anything to say? What are some resources for postdocs who are currently funded for salary but would like to seek additional funding? "Lincoln: "Great idea. ... follow-up due to fears that tests might reveal bad news. Public Access Author manuscript Fed Pract. I don't think AI can do that. Two arguments raise doubts about the validity of this fashionable concept. "Luan: "Ooh! "[Lynn Sr. leaves the scene. An examination of America's obesity … "Lana, why don't you rinse off first? However, we may question the validity of an expansion of biodiversity based on methods which manipulate DNA in glass vessels, without any attempt to culture and breed organisms. Exercise, have personal goals outside academia, have a healthy social life, play an instrument, read leisure books, cook. I feel the same way about a master's data set ! "Rita: "You'll understand someday when you have to cook for your own family. And finding new partners... Good luck! I would publish a reanalysis if the new data do serve a scientific purpose, or if the conclusions drawn from my previous analysis were wrong and are still being cited in support of that (wrong) conclusion. ]Lisa: "MY VICHYSSOISE! ]Lynn Sr.: "Ah! We could probably use this onion. Where?" Take a break, put all negativity aside, and continue working on it until it can be accepted. A bite of pizza; it tastes like hope. Pizza! I get fed up with television quiz shows. "[Just as he turns the coffee pot on, Lola tugs on the power line with her princess car hooked to it and shuts off the power to the house. Dang it!" Meeting participants are given an opportunity within the subsequent several weeks to review the transcript for accuracy.For the meetings before 1994, t… [The sisters quickly rush out of their rooms, and excitedly head downstairs. He got fed up with all the travelling he had to do. Who can help to identify this Devonian fossil? Treasure Valley Math and Science Center, United States. The only plan is to give up hope. You got sick of the manuscript and starts to wonder if you should get on with it or invest the time in your actual research…You get bored 5 seconds after opening the document to edition... You even start to evaluate if your results are that interesting anyway... Brothers and sisters of science, who among you would share your experiences on this kind of situation? The food industry has bought all of the internet words associated with Fed UP, in an attempt to misdirect you to their website. Dad will get a break, we'll make something delicious and show you it's not that hard to mix up the meal. "Rita: [Unamused] "You guys have no idea how hard it is to cook seven nutritious meals a week for 13 different people on a budget. Instead I'll add more data, put a twist in it, and create a spinoff. "Lori: "This spoon still has a little mustard on it. It's simply irritating. Lori then trips over them, slips on the fridge, and gets buried by its contents. Fed up with definition is - very tired of (something) : angry about (something that has continued for a long time). trackback. If my calculations are correct, Dad should be ordering pizza in..." [checks watch] "...T minus 15 seconds. As it begins hurling towards the floor, Lynn Sr. notices it falling and dives towards it to catch it. This is a normal feeling and i think most of us experience it somehow but you have to overcome it . Lincoln pulls out a coin attached to a string and begins swinging it side to side in front of his face. Make it a comparative study. "Luna: "Let's make shepherd's pie! [While he's not looking, Lisa uses a drone to grab the meat and Lana uses her fishing rod to snatch the noodles.] + a few references. "Sisters: [disappointed] "Aw..."Lisa: "I knew I should've chloroformed him. "Lori: "I need to take a moment. Other than crafting the prose to show others why the ideas are interesting, much of scientific writing is tedious (unless you enjoy the conveying a lot of information as concisely as possible). We greatly appreciate their dedication and behind the scenes contribution. [is handed the pepper] "Baking pan." Rita gags, obviously not liking it. "Lincoln: "Cook for your own family? Everything okay in there? Team up! The oldest one was a short note dating on 1952, a long time before the advent of molecular methods. Try to open the reviewer comments and answer one of them each time , you will finish it by a week and go on. ]Lincoln: "Big Cheese to Toppings. I have several datasets that sit unused in a folder on my computer. Our food budget for this week is shot. [Lincoln calls the pizza place on speed dial] "Make franks and lima beans! ]Lynn Sr.: [confused] "An orange? You can also bring someone on board! "Lynn: "Bologna. So, put all the negative thoughts aside and try harder! It's a funny story. So I'd take a one week break not looking at them and then when actively working on them again, I'd find out that the reviews actually made a lot of sense and did improve the papers quite a lot. Leni gives his performance a perfect 10; Lincoln smacks the score card out of her hands. ]Leni: "Like, awesome! In truth, writing a manuscript is not like writing a work of fiction or creating a work of art where it requires some creative input from the author. "[As they leave, it's revealed Leni hid the vegetables in his robe and she grabs an onion from it. How to use fed up with in a sentence. ]Lana: "Did someone say "pizza"? "Lola: "Frosting. So, dont delete the files and be sure you leave yourself good notes so you can return to it later, if the right situation comes up. Aug 11, 2013 - The 15th-century book from Croatia is marked with four pawprints, which appear to be the result of a cat jumping on to the paper. Yes, this is going to take a lot more time and effort. "[The kids all start arguing over what to make. You spent time, effort, and money for your reserch so it worth to be published. ]Leni: "Ooh! No, no, no, no, no!" I would like to compile a list of grant opportunities that will be useful for myself and for other postdocs in ecology and evolutionary biology (non bio-medicine). To be honest, a highly advanced self-correcting computer algorithm programmed to recognize unusual discrepancies in data and run statistics on them (albeit, beyond what we can program now) could probably replicate most of what we do with science right now. I go drinking a few beers with friends until I start liking the MS again... but if you are really tired of the MS, the approach can be really dangerous! "[The kids groan at their dad's determination. I think it`s a matter of priorities. Hope you're almost ready to fork it over! They are scared this will hurt sales and will spend MILLIONS to confuse us. "Rita: "Sorry, kids. Fourth, keep going until it's accepted. Oh dear, yes. One sees the logo and makes the connection. "Lincoln: "Mom, Dad, we're sorry. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia. Sometimes the referee is just being stupid, because there is this NEED to find flaws, even when is almost impossible to do a better work. and I got this experiences with some manuscript. "Lori: "You guys, we've got nothing! "Lucy: "She's right. The loss of a month in mobilizing for a pandemic has had grave results for health care workers: a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) dated April 14 noted that 9,282 health care workers had confirmed COVID-19 and 27 had died; and the numbers of sick and dead health care workers continue to add up. ]Lincoln: [to the viewers] "Yeah, so this never happens. Further, do not hesitate sometimes to take your own decisions and only absorb those suggestions that you really thing that matters. Time is a finite resource. I’ll be the odd person out - I’d drop it. It is largely due to their support and expertise that we have been able to publish high-standard manuscripts. That helps a lot designing the paper from introduction to its conclusion. 25 minutes (yes I counted them, because I believe it was far too long). I guess there's only one thing to do." "[The sisters quickly rush out of their rooms, and excitedly head downstairs. They will always be negative because that's just the way most people are. It does not necessarily mean that your ideas or even your findings are outdated. 2. What a night. Someone else scoops your data and publishes on it, and all the work you put into this manuscript already is now down the drain. The acceptance comes faster and you can feel realized after its publication. With Michele Simon, Katie Couric, Bill Clinton, Michael Pollan. This work was supported by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program managed by Research Executive Agency under Grant Agreement N.315485. It is now admitted that epigenetic chromatin marks (DNA or histone methylation, among others) may disturb the replication of DNA during mitotic reproduction of soma or germ cells, stemming in the appearance and transmission of anomalous characters. It will help you identify better what makes these papers so great. "Lincoln: "Self hypnosis. "Lincoln: "I'm proud of you guys. Instead, try to have the "current" you write the paper that you find interesting and motivating to write. That was close. "[Lily laughs at the joke. As he lists off the dishes mentioned, said dish appears on the calendar and head to their respective date.] Not many foods start with "TH"." I wanna make a cake! ]Lincoln: [to the viewers] "Wow. Script [Nighttime] Lynn Sr.: "Dinner's ready! "Lana: "So we're not having any dinner? "There's Thai food, but coconut milk really does a number on the old Lynn-testines, if you know what I'm saying." We sabotaged dinner so you'd order us pizza." "Luan: "Say it, sister! when i am sick from a manuscript, so it means i need to discus with exports and minimize the risk. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. ]Lola: "What are you doing? "Lola: "Grilled cheese? "Lynn Sr.: "Nonsense! D. Do not allow yourself to say, I will come back to this. I get essentially two comments. "[He tries to open the oven, but the handle gets stuck and breaks off. I need it for my scrambly eggs! "Leni: "And now I miss it. Published in final edited form as: Fed Pract. Get it? And it is lazy. ): Can you imagine the required number of reviewers and magnitude of efforts spent for peer review and editorial processes if scholarly standards would apply? [is handed the other half] "Tape. Not important enough for our journal. You look pretty fed up. Generally, I realize that the editor and reviewers are (mostly) right, so I just make the changes necessary. "Lori: "Yes we are, Lincoln. [holds up a purple dress] "Does this print go with goulash? but I was invited to contribute to one of their new Journals. "[As a last ditch effort, Lily tosses her rattle right on the floor, making Lynn Sr. trip over it and drop the dish which the raccoons quickly devour. The following is a transcript for the episode "Fed Up". "[Their force causes the egg to break and the yolk lands on Lily's head. I already hear about it (many times!) ]Lincoln: "Grilled cheese beats all! "[Cut to them all making a mess in the kitchen. To my opinion, Paleontology, in particular invertebrate paleontology, is unfortunately a field that struggles a bit nowadays with respect to the number of academics in position. From Katie Couric, Laurie David (Oscar winning producer of AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH) and director Stephanie Soechtig, FED UP will change the way you eat forever. "Lana: [excited] "Wait! So, if we sabotage tomorrow's dinner, that's what we'll get. fed-up adj. Think about the best papers that you've read in your field. "[The kids check to see what's left. Our Fight to Save America from Washington is a 2010 political non-fiction book authored by then Governor of Texas Rick Perry and his senior advisor Chip Roy, published by Little, Brown and Company.It was released shortly after Perry's re-election to a third term as governor. "Lynn: "And I've got some chopped up sports bars. You give up on the manuscript and the data never gets published. Some are sharper than reviewers and offer little or no hands-on help. [his parents gasp] "We're really sorry. Sometimes, even often, what makes them so good is not so much the novelty of the methods, or of the results they came up with but just the novelty of the ideas, the beauty of their interpretations, and the unfolding of how the story was told. This 1/2 page paper became a 7 pager after it was rejected of course (lol)... Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Those kind of jams. Move out. "Lincoln: [whispering] "Leni, why would you hide the meat in the slippers Dad wears every night? ]Leni: "What are you making, Dad? "Lynn: [makes a buzzer sound] "We need body fuel. They sit on my shelf and give me that look, you know, the one that tells you how hurt they are that you won't bother reading and reviewing them, but as far as my research goes, I was always very quick to publish, at least quick enough to not being overtaken by boredome, hate and the likes. 4. "Lola: "I'll get the phone, Daddy! ]Lola: [gasps with a face full of frosting] "MY CAKE! Does anyone have any hints about what it might be? Manuscript received February 26, 2019; revised September 16, 2019, January 25, 2020; accepted February 12, 2020. Now there is a Greek dish called Thessalonikian sheep dip, but your mother finds it a little gamey. Gotta go!" Thank God I am not and have never been in that sort of situation - there might be books I was too rash to promise to review though. Fed up definition is - tired, sated, or disgusted beyond endurance. Dinner." Cast and crew. [laughs and scoops the yolk up in a bowl] "Get it? "[Leni tries using the microwave, but it short-circuits and sets off the smoke detector and Luna grabs a linen to blow the smoke away from it, but the linen was holding up the pot with Lisa's vichyssoise which spills over. While the Fed Generals slept in satin sheets, it was the 'boots on the ground' auditors/examiners who put in 50-60 hour weeks cleaning up monetary policy experiments, mistakes, and oversights. Clearly this seems impossible for parthenogenetic species, to which Mayr’s species concept is hardly applicable, but in the absence of clear phenotypic variety cross-breeding should be systematically performed for species with a sexual or alike mode of reproduction. We kept a data from last year, and found that an almost exact data was published very recently. I don't quite agree with what you say, Russell. My mailbox is slowly getting drowned by emails of predatory publishers and this makes me really angry. "[Luna starts playing while Lynn Sr. starts cooking. The lined up elements are connected to each other at the constrictions. Stat! [is handed only half of it] "Other half of baking pan." [laughs]Lincoln: "Luan, this line is not for jokes! "Lucy: "Chicken. Curiosity has its own reason for existing". Does anyone know about public databases of animals body size? Some co-authors will always be slow and needed ultimatums to work or for progress to be made. Usually, when you're fed up, you are already in an advanced stage. I'll blend us up some protein shakes. Doing a little bit day after day after day adds up. You give up on the manuscript and the data never gets published. Most movements involve tribalism—come into my … I guess no one wants...pizza~. I found myself working once or twice on the exact same objects as previous authors or competitors and yet, the data I produced were not exactly the same. I'm fed up with living in the Same feeling here, but I believe you, as researchers, we have the obligation to published the data, not only for other scientists to read our work, but also for the community. At 53 I was diagnosed as a Type II diabetic. "[Lincoln takes a bite and they all cheer. [leaves]Lynn Sr: "But, son, I didn't tell you about threatened-species stir fry yet! "[The meat covered slippers are shown and the parents are unhappy with their kids. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ]Lincoln: "Good work, team! Someone please explain why I'm wearing my goulash? In many high impact Journals like. Only we, humans, can actually decide from our interesting results what the focus of the story should be. Amazing photo of medieval manuscript covered in pawprints shows it's nothing new The 15th-century book from Croatia is marked with four pawprints, which appear to be the result of a cat jumping on to the paper. I put it aside for a while. If no similar work has been published, your data cannot be outdated and it worths a lot to publish them. As the sisters sit back down, Lincoln suddenly has a realization. I gotta put the kibosh on tonight's goulash. Contributing reviewers Nevertheless, you feel a moral obligation to make your findings public, as it used time and money of so many people. "And three-bean salad; well, that's just three times as bad, right? January 27, 2006 Posted by manuscript in Uncategorized. on the other hand comments from different journals help in polishing of the manuscript, then it is easy to published. That's using the old bean. I advise you to keep going. ]Lynn Sr.: "I'll just heat 'er up in the old coffee pot. This is not the only incident of a cat vandalising a manuscript - one item in the Cologne archive features a page left half-blank because an animal had urinated on it when it was left out overnight. However, I do happen to be acquainted with people who have felt like yourself. If they are. This is Fed Up! F. Share it with coauthors as the pre-FINAL ask them to give specific rather than generic statements and give them a dead line to respond ask them to concentrate on substance and not on style. It may not stave off boredom to write that paper but I find that I'm usually bored by the time that I'm ready to write the paper. ]Lisa: "Potatoes. "Luan: "We didn't mean it. But what I am going to do is important. However, finding the right collaborators is indeed an issue. ]Leni: "Ooh! E. Finish it to a submission standards, spell check it, colours, fonts size everything so that your coworkers will not be distracted. When Customers Are Fed Up of You! Cooking for this many people is a nightmare. "[The other sisters agree]Leni: "So true. Move! "[Lynn Sr. gets the beans out of the pantry]Lynn Sr.: [singing] "♫Franks and beans / Doo doo doo / Franks, yeah, yeah, / And beans and beans / And beans, and beans beans beans♫"[Lincoln pops his head in with headphones. A well-written paper is the necessary wrapping of good science. 2. Authors pay “article processing charges” in the above, I’ve learned from colleagues that such journals and publishers are called, In discussions with colleagues and editors, I have learned that several respected scholarly journals have taken or plan to take measures against predatory open access journals. These grilled cheeses really have to change hearts and minds. ]Lynn Sr.: [singing] "♫I just came back from the grocery store, gonna get my goulash on / Noodles, tomatoes, meat galore, gonna get my goulash-♫"Lincoln: [feigning curiosity] "Hey, Dad! NOW PLAYING. Target is in position. FOR THEATERS AND INFO VISIT:fedupmovie.com facebook.com/fedupmovieTwitter: @fedupmovieThis is the movie … informal (expressing exasperation) de hartazgo loc adj. Confuse us to keep buying their products which are killing us. I have to share a true story: I once had a colleague, herpetologist (sorry I forgot his name) who for the fun of it sent a paper for publication whose title was something like: Can the lizard xyz thermoregulate in 5 degrees celsius? Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go choke down some...", [Cut to a rather sloppily made dish.

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