ffxiv bard song guide

with crit buffs, you’ll gain increased crit rate for extra DoT damage and extra procs. After doing this you can unlock the actual quest to become a Bard, “A Song of Bards and Bowmen” which is issued by the Archer guildmaster Luciane in Gridania – New Gridania. Low recast time combined with high potency make this one of Bard’s highest priority off-GCDs. Before laying out headache-inducing material on when to refresh SS, Cetonis had been kind enough to take the saner approach towards SS management, with good reason as well. 263 pps is just not a number that we’re going to hit, even with Raging Strikes, Barrage etc., though we may get close if some stars align. Have any tips for playing bard in FFXIV? The additional effect of EA to provide song procs can create situations where you can get a “pseudo”-double proc if it lines up with a single proc from a DoT crit. They are the following: With these guidelines in mind, I propose that Foe Requiem be used in the following manner: The main goal of this setup is to maximize the usages of Foe Requiem within important raid buff windows for at least 5 ticks per usage while managing MP so that it doesn’t remain maxed out for any extended duration of time. Recast time reduced from 90 to 80 seconds. The kit didn’t change much in either Stormblood or Shadowbringers, so you’ll have everything you need for this part by the time you’re done your lv. The ranges on AP represent early vs. middle/later ticks, since there is some value in getting your stacks a bit faster as discussed elsewhere. Does overall more damage than Caustic Bite. The Bard saw a pretty significant rework in patch 5.0 (a.k.a. A D F G E (repeat lines 1-4) A D F G A A D. Revision to the ending to make it sound more original/fluid by /u/Windalfr (Miria Naurinn - Odin) (repeat lines 1 … Single-target “Esuna”-like utility skill. Cetonis contributes to this discussion by adding the following suggestion: If you wish to see my writeup on this point, which was written not too long before Patch 4.06 sadly, you can find it in the Appendix section at the bottom of the guide. Will definitely be a slow process. The transition from WM to MB following the opener will look similar to the following: Heavy Shot (BL + PP) [WM falls off] > Heavy Shot (MB + EA + BL) > Heavy Shot …. At end-game, Barrage should be paired with Refulgent Arrow if possible but can be paired with Empyreal Arrow if Refulgent Arrow isn’t available for certain timings. If a Triple-EA during MB was successful, Bloodletter should be come off cooldown 15s into AP and before the transition into WM+RS. Should be applied 2nd after Stormbite. The timings and the need to do this kind of SS refresh depends on when Barrage was used previously. Share them below! At a 15% crit buff, Chain Strategem and Battle Litany are the elite buffs for Bard DoTs and should be prioritized above all other buffs when refreshing via IJ. Mana Shift was used when the Bard dropped below 6600 MP and the other MP regen skills were used in tandem with Foe Requiem. If Raging Strikes is the only buff lost on the DoTs, it’s worth using the High Skillspeed option but if the DoTs lose any more buffs, the losses will overtake the gains of a Barrage+RA. Foe Requiem–the iconic battle song that increased caster and healer DPS by reducing magic defence–has been remade into an AoE debuff that increases damage taken by 3% for as long as there is MP remaining on the Bard. Been debating between Dancer and Bard, thank you kindly for your thoughts! Like in 3.x, WM takes center stage amongst the songs by becoming the new “burst stance”. Egg Hunts . Sidewinder can be used after the first Iron Jaws in the absence of a Ninja. The reason for the Skillspeed V materia in the last slot of the pentamelded ring is to bring the GCD timer from 2.48s to 2.47s. These inconveniences are offset by the long 30s duration of the effects, making it an extremely effective and valuable resource in optimal situations and a slight source of reprieve to healers in less ideal scenarios. With a 15 second duration at a 45 second reset timer, this single-target 20% healing buff can be used flexibly at a high uptime rate. The table in the following page shows the timings of major raid buffs and is to be used for personal reference. (depends on fight timings + durations).- Less usages of 100-potency WM, MB, AP song off-GCDs during an extended fight, Fixed NM and Palisade macros with ones that actually work ingame. In the transition from AP to WM, an effort is made to group Empyreal Arrow with WM so using EA with MB later on is not really an issue (details below in the AP to WM Transition section). BPM. The only way to win personally on a Foe is if it’s extended, and even then we won’t win by much.”. to make things simple; assuming 15s~ of time difference between 1st and 2nd IJ at minimum in case of double refresh. You could know more about the abilities of Bard. And if you end up doing an early reapply because Barrage or something, the whole thing can get rendered moot anyway. Does overall less damage than Stormbite. Before delving into the details of WM transitions, I want to diverge by touching on differing mindsets that may exist regarding when to leave AP. (Used to be 50% chance at reset proc under River of Blood trait). Falls in line with the changes to raid buffs of ranged DPS to apply regardless of party composition. This phase is basically “2.x Bard on steroids” since Bloodletter resets now proc after any DoT crit at a 100% rate, whereas the River of Blood trait in pre-4.x would only proc Bloodletter resets at a 50% chance after a DoT crit. Bard’s finishing move. Refresh has been observed to provide 10 ticks of 600 MP to provide 6000 MP, regardless of the MP totals of affected members. Here is the detailed FFXIV bard guide that will help you to know about the ff14 bard. As a party-wide defense buff, Troubadour will obviously find its most value in scenarios where the party receives AoE damage. If you don’t have enough time and need FFXIV Power Leveling, Mmogah is your best choice. Raid buffs, party compositions, and execution all must be taken into account, along with a sense that what has been agreed upon is both intuitive and structured. Requirements. Received a slighthy remake by changing physical damage taken increase to ALL damage taken increase and having its potency nerfed to 5% from 10%. Coordination with tanks and healers regarding the planned usage of Troubadour is recommended in team scenarios. I'm Erin, an average girl who loves all things geeky, girly, cute, and pretty. Open up the “Processes with Network Activity” and “TCP Connections” windows. Reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay of a party member or self by. Pulling off 5 Heavy Shots and getting Raging Strikes onto Iron Jaws should be more comfortable at higher skillspeeds but as of now, going with the more cautious approach of 4 Heavy Shots before Iron Jaws should be the more consistent option. Also increases healing magic potency of all party members by 5%.”. Key (Auto Detect) Auto Scroll. If the onset DoT timer is close to expiring, the first IJ refresh with any damage buff is technically “free”. The first condition above is the most important and can only be satisfied if EA has been utilized properly in the WM phase. Highest single target weaponskill. At a 3 minute CD, there will be very limited usages of this in any fight (max 4 times in 9+ minute fight) and its dependency on being in the “correct” stance to be effective in specific phases of encounters makes it somewhat troublesome to use optimally. While I did the majority of the work in terms of wording and formatting, Cetonis was the brains of most of the advanced concepts and provided the foundation in which I was able to expound my conclusions and guidelines. Extending the duration of Foe Requiem using Mana Shift is the better alternative (more below). Let’s move onto more empirical observations when it comes to the MP restoration department and provide more concrete numbers to the setup laid out above. If you are a new player or the one who has enough time to upgrade, Mmogah recommends you to upgrade your Bard yourself. All you have to do is click on it and you will switch to Bard at your current Archer level. Near mandatory pick. Since DoT proc ticks occur every 3 seconds, there is a short window to use PP without penalizing oneself with GCD clipping or lost PP stacks. NM will find its most value on targets who require the most healing, which in almost every scenario will be the tank currently holding aggro on the enemy. This guide would have been impossible without his professionalism, expert assistance and proactive support, so I am grateful for the opportunity to work with him once again. Along with the general extra-damage-for-your-whole-party thing, bards have a lot of situational abilities that make them incredibly useful in parties and the class that everyone wants but no one wants to play in raids. This program allows you to automatically play pre-made MIDI songs for the performance feature of the game tool in FFXIV. Can be overkill with Tactician available but is always useful for instant TP recovery after being revived from KO and in heavy AoE situations. Anyone who has levelled a class to Lvl.60 will have experienced hotbar bloat and have thought about how to hotkey the overwhelming amount of skills that one has to manage. So for on-the-fly guesstimations, I’d recommend just using these rough values. If each member can only have 2 songs on them per bard, then having an attack up song on a whm. And even when you aren’t in a mob situation, 600 potency is still really great to use for bosses. More details on its usage can be found in the Mage’s Ballad section. The most difficult part is on deciding when to refresh DoTs early via IJ for the sake of applying raid buffs that come out at certain timings of a fight. Useful in situations where other TP management skills (Invigorate, Goad) are not enough to meet demands. Being over-aggressive with re-applies could lose several hundred potency over a fight, as could failing to take proper advantage of the better opportunities that arise. 32 in 3.x), Cross-class skills replaced by Role Actions (more details below). Hypercharge effect increasing target’s damage taken increased from 5% to 6%. The two most popular MMO gaming mice are the Razer Naga and Logitech G600, both receiving positive reviews from their respective users. Bards are a ranged physical DPS class who use […] Each of these songs runs for 30 seconds, and has a 90-second cooldown—which means with the right timing, you can always have one up. Compared to 3.x when cast-times and instacast skills complicated matters, the skill rotation priority for 4.x Bard is fairly straightforward. The Rain of Death additional effect “Lowers target’s evasion by 10%” has been removed. Typically, most people choose not to play bards in FFXIV because they’re well-known for being the lowest of all the damage-per-second (DPS) classes. Time signature. These two buffs overlap at 6 and 12 minutes so make sure to get a full 30s duration of DoTs with 30% crit buff if you have a Scholar and Dragoon in your party. Also reduces damage taken by that party member by 5%” has been changed to “increases damage dealt and reduces damage taken by all party members within a 30-yalm radius by 2%. For example, if Barrage was used early in the opener, such as after the first HS, then it’s possible that the Barrage CD could be shorter than the remaining SS buff duration. Midi files makes use of tracks. An Empyreal Arrow will either be used in the back-end of MB in a Triple-EA attempt inside MB or closely after the AP cast. Play a metronome. The new king of the Bard arsenal and owner of the Barrage combo. We’re generally going to have 32% crit or close to it, and more down the road, so four targets at even that base crit is grounds for 2PP. This complication derives from the fact that while it is possible to get 2 stacks at one time via both Stormbite and Caustic Bite applying critical hit damage simultaneously, it is not possible to exceed 3 stacks of Pitch Perfect at any one time. In the end, it’s the same difference so use your own discretion when executing this transition. One of the classes that have gotten an awesome reboot is the soothing, music-oriented Bard. This section will go through each of the rotation phases in detail, beginning with the openers and ending with the non-opener WM phase following the transition from AP. EA should never be used outside of a song effect, if possible. As 30 second duration skills on an 80 second cooldown timer, these song stances were designed to be rotated amongst themselves in 80~90 second intervals at near 100% uptime. It would look something like the following: Heavy Shot (EA [MB expires] + AP) > Heavy Shot (BL) …. Refer to 3.x guide for information on 3.x bard skills. Home / ffxiv bard rotation 2020; ffxiv bard rotation 2020. Piercing resistance reduction percentage reduced to 5% from 10%, Hypercharge effect changed from “Increases target’s physical damage taken by 10%” to “Increases target’s damage taken by 5%.”, Increase to damage dealt reduced to 10% from 20%, The effect of this ability has been changed from “Reduces ability recast time for a party member or self by 20% for 20 seconds” to “Increases the critical hit rate for a party member or self by 10% for 20 seconds”, The effect “increases attack potency and healing magic potency of the closest party member within a 30-yalm radius by 5%. Reworked Aileena’s Iron Jaws Guidelinesfor clarity. If Barrage is approaching 10 seconds remaining on its recast time and the remaining SS buff is less than the Barrage CD timer, then refresh SS buff before attempting HS spam to fish for a possible Barrage+RA. The openers below vary slightly with Miyuri’s initial opener in the following manners: Unlike Miyuri’s updated Bard opener, I have maintained the original placement of EA and stuck with 4 Heavy Shots before Barrage+EA, because even if there was a Straighter Shot proc after the 5th Heavy Shot, there would be no way to get both Barrage+RA and Iron Jaws under the raid buffs. (More below), Receive Mana Shift from caster when below 6600 MP (2nd~3rd GCD), Use Refresh after Foe Requiem completes (~30s into fight), Receive Mana Shift when it comes off cooldown during MB/AP phase, Use Refresh when it comes off cooldown (~3min 30s into fight). If damage increased with each stack as was first speculated prior to the Stormblood release, then it would have been much more interesting to optimize, but even that was denied to AP. For those with triple-digit ping, double weaving off-GCDs during a 4-stack AP can lead to heavy GCD clipping. Bad bard. Raging Strikes (10%, 20s) + Balance (5~15%, 30s). Fixed NM and Palisade macros with ones that actually work ingame February 11th 2018 (v1.2) 1. Bard Music Player makes use of Midi files and Midi input for playing back notes in-game. If we roughly round the numbers, for a 5% crit buff, we get rough potency per tick gains of 15p for WM, 10p for MB, and 5p for start of AP. If DoTs have been refreshed at proper 28~30s intervals following the IJ as Raging Strikes is falling off, DoTs should be refreshed at around ~15s into AP. During AoE situations, Rain of Death is preferred over Bloodletter in almost all cases. In a vacuum, we more or less know that you want to apply Jaws twice (at the start/end) for crit buffs, unless the added time on your second apply is just going to be burned on AP. The bard is the epitome of the support classes next to white mage. The original times were measured manually using a stopwatch but have been adjusted in the table to match the formula of [3s x (# of Foe ticks-1) + 5s]. (December 2018 Edits) Edit: Somebody on the BMP discord wanted the melody to the Namazu theme. Also, you need to complete a level 20 MSQ, “Sylph Management”, which realistically should be … Repackaging of the horrible Shadowbind skill. Miyuri in her ranged dps FAQ (page 20) mentions the following regarding this topic: yes. After the second Iron Jaws when Raging Strikes is falling off, the value of Foe Requiem falls off overall since the raid has already expended most of their cooldowns and most raid buffs expire around this time. The new “MP song” remade into a 3 min role action skill. 0. Venomous Bite and Windbite DoTs lasted for, Empyreal Arrow and Iron Jaws were only available under WM and had cast times, EA and IJ are now available at all times and no longer have cast times, The cooldown of Bloodletter and Rain of Death resets at a. Lvl 70 Bards have 9480 MP total.Foe Requiem uses 1680 MP per tick. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Simple. double refresh under any critical hit buffs (chain stratagem, battle litany) as soon as they go up (exception: during paeon phase where procs aren’t as strong), double refresh if there are 2 or more significant damage buffs/debuffs present for the 1st and 2nd IJ (raging strikes, brotherhood, embolden, balance, etc). However, in practice, you will often already have a buff or two on whatever DoTs are currently running. Cetonis’ fingerprints are all over this guide and he deserves all the credit he gets for it. Bard The Feast PvP Guide Patch 4.45 Written by: Kaze Hishiro Nikoza Envy Claire Clavier Angelus Demonus Your Role in The Feast Skills, Abilities, and Your Gauge Additional PvP Actions PvP Traits Rotation Helpful Tips and Macros Contents1 Your Role in The Feast2 While noting that one of Bard’s … FFXIV FF14 Bard Feast PvP Guide 2019 Read More » When you complete this quest you will get a Soul Item called the "Soul of the Bard" This item will be in your Armoury Chest on the bottom right side. 0. A short range tether buff provided by the Dragoon that buffs both members that share the tether. Patch 5.2 - Echoes of a Fallen Star - added a huge variety of new gear to FFXIV, greatly increasing your glamour options. I If so, apply missing DoT. Although weaker than Arrow and Balance in general, any Spear buff onto DoTs will provide significant value, similar to yet weaker than Chain Strategem and Battle Litany. Patch 4.05 brought nerfs to the Balance potency from 20% to 10%, reducing the impact of AST on overall raid DPS. Nothing is more frustrating that not having a stance go off because of the song effect being dependent on whether or not damage is applied. Obviously, that’s not everything involved in playing a bard, because if I did that we’d be here for years going over every single ability it has. Overall changes to MP and TP regen skills and Foe Requiem have increased the importance of managing MP for the sake of optimal Foe Requiem uptime. When you complete this quest you will get a Soul Item called the "Soul of the Bard" This item will be in your Armoury Chest on the bottom right side. The increased importance of critical hit DoT procs within the 4.x Bard rotation makes Battle Litany more valuable to Bards than it has ever been before. Time signature. More details on its usage can be found in the Wanderer’s Minuet section. Cetonis writes the following argument against triple-weaving: The WM to MB transition after the opener is fairly consistent but when outside of the opener WM phase, things do not fall into place as neatly. Minor changes based on feedback from reddit postand Balance Discord 2. If your expectation is to be ending the fight on the back half of MB or the start of an AP though, then it’s a nice bonus to score. The timing of Refresh usage has been an area of debate for a lot of Bards and after much experimentation and thinking, I have come to the conclusion that using the initial Refresh to extend the pre-pull Foe Requiem to be its best usage. 0. We can also safely figure that you’d like to use Jaws at some point during most damage buffs, as in even for Brotherhood if you IJ right before it, the 50/50 shot of losing a HS (-40p) is less than the +50p you get from the next run of DoTs. Prior to the changes, Foe Requiem was utilized mainly to increase the damage of magic-based skills from mainly casters and healers, and sometimes wasn’t used often due to how MP and TP regen songs depleted the same MP pool needed for Foe Requiem. With Foe Requiem and Refresh being used in tandem pre-pull and Mana Shift being utilized at sub-7800 MP, the opener Foe Requiem is extended to 37.8 seconds (longest during any encounter). As a Bard you will almost always have a new song at every level you gain. (As of this writing, videos on other sites such as Twitter still seem unaffected.). Refer to “Foe Requiem Usage” section for comment. By lining up Barrage with RS, I had to sacrifice WM and AP uptime as well as reduce the number of song casts I would use in a fight, which at 100 potency per cast, can add up fairly quickly in any extended fight. 6.2 Stacking songs 6.3 Songs FAQ 7 Monsters like music too! If SS buff is set to expire about one GCD (2~3s) before the DoTs expire, it’s important to refresh SS one GCD earlier so that SS buff can be applied to the DoTs via IJ without having to cast IJ one GCD earlier. That said, the importance of a well-executed transition from AP to WM cannot be understated, which is explained in more detail below. Because of the simplicity of the in-game Performance, the Midis should also be simple for optimal playback. We hope that this guide can clearly expound our findings in a manner that is both clear and informative. Initial attack has lower potency than VB but higher DoT potency. Theoretically provides a debuff for 20~24s every minute the shield is applied. Which really just makes bards that much more valuable. I have found that doing 5 Heavy Shots and then trying to get Raging Strikes onto the second Iron Jaws can get very tight, especially in situations where a 3-stack Pitch Perfect proc may cause GCD clipping due to possible triple weaving of off-GCDs. Niche utility skill that has seen previous usage in savage raid content. I am not Batman (O.o) But yep my friend, 75 songs you will learn and that is a lot. DoT damage ticks every 3 seconds for a total of 10 ticks at, One of the two 30s DoTs that bards must manage post-Lvl 64. There are general tips that are available to you that can help you to get to the higher levels. The main reason is due to the fact that Pitch Perfect usage is locked outside of WM, thereby requiring EA and PP to be used immediately prior to the expiration of WM. Gamble at your own discretion! It’s a fine optimization to make if you can handle it, but personally I’d be disinclined to recommend it. Changes in Patch 4.1 changed a single-target, 5% damage buff provided by the summoner’s pet into an AoE 2% damage buff. D F D+1 . EA must be used directly after the cast of MB. This would cut into the Straight Shot buff timer in most cases but it will be easier of manageable options and will be able to be repeated each time. As it stands, there is no reason to go for a 30s AP unless there is a transition/down-time phase that will not allow sufficient usage of the following WM phase. Increases critical hit rate for a party member or self by. 10 (previously Lvl. is a waste. Since Barrage is now to be used within every Raging Strikes window, one must be extra vigilant in SS buff management during this period. ; Double dot all the adds and keep them up with Iron Jaws If DoTs and SS buff are in order and there is no SS proc, just keep on using Heavy Shot. The new silence that replaces the old Blunt Arrow. For those who don’t like cutting corners…. assuming your previous IJ was unbuffed, it’s fairly easy for most buffs/debuffs to make it worth refreshing IJ earlier than usual so that you get the most out of it. I prefer to triple weave all three of MB, EA, and BL to avoid losing the EA reset proc during the Heavy Shot cast but a combination of HS (MB+EA) > HS (BL) is completely fine as well for those who feel punished for triple-weaving. A tapering, physical raid-wide DPS buff. Managing DoTs and making sure they are buffed at the appropriate times make up an important portion of the bard rotation. Even when I started wandering into machinist territory in Heavensward, and dancer territory with Shadowbringers (can you tell what my favourite style is? Then, when you have at least 20 in your additional bar, you can use an ability called Apex Arrow, which deals 120 potency to everything in a limited-range straight line in front of you. One or the other would have to be outside of raid buffs so instead of delaying Barrage until after IJ or sacrificing buffs onto DoTs, if there is no Straighter Shot proc after the 4th Heavy Shot, going straight into Barrage+EA after the 4th Heavy Shot should be preferable. A shortened “Convalescence” which can be applied from a distance. In nearly all circumstances, 20s AP is the way to go. The ideal opening scenario. In fact, I was so set on it that Shane, who’s been playing since the beta, picked up a new class for himself just so we could start the game in the same city! Each of those abilities has a specific time and place to be used, and a good bard will end up watching the party almost as much as a healer does. 1 Quests 1.1 A Song of Bards and Bowmen 1.1.1 Journal 1.1.2 Objectives 1.2 The Archer's Anthem 1.2.1 Journal 1.2.2 Objectives 1.3 Bard's-eye View 1.3.1 Journal 1.3.2 Objectives 1.4 Doing It the Bard Way 1.4.1 Journal 1.4.2 Objectives 1.5 Pieces of the Past 1.5.1 Journal 1.5.2 Objectives 1.6 Requiem for the Fallen 1.6.1 Journal 1.6.2 Objectives 1.7 A Relic Reborn … It is quite long but I think it adds enough to the discussion to warrant its full inclusion here (added bold and red text for emphasis). I’ll be honest, there are so many of them that there are a few I never remember to use. If the RS-onset DoT timer is 20+ seconds, single IJ. This reasoning in support of a shortened AP looks sound in isolation; however, when Barrage is taken into account, opinions can become divided.

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