memory alpha the maquis part 1

(Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages, p. 72), In DS9 Season 4 offering "For the Cause", the Maquis were further developed, revealing that recurring characters Michael Eddington and Kasidy Yates were members of the group. Riker's cell had received intelligence reports that a faction of the Cardassian government was secretly building a fleet in the Orias system, outside of the authority of the Central Command. Evek then produces a confession from the Bok'Nor saboteur, William Patrick Samuels, but claims that Samuels committed suicide shortly after giving it. There's also this page in Memory Alpha, but this lists all Maquis personnel, not just those that joined Voyager. Upon devising the DS9 Season 3 installment "Defiant", the DS9 writing staff was inspired by the notion of the Maquis becoming somewhat improved. Directed by Although the Federation relinquished claims to all planets occupied by Cardassian colonies, th… In executing his plan, Eddington exploited the pro-Maquis sympathies of the crew of the freighter Xhosa under the command of Kasidy Yates, using a smuggling run that the Xhosa was engaged in to distract Starfleet from Eddington's true purpose. For mirror universe person, see Tuvok (mirror). Eddington attacked and disabled both the USS Defiant and the USS Malinche in separate engagements. He admits his belief that his presence on the border is a joke; his assignment has been to help colonists, whose land the Federation gave to Cardassia, adjust to the new circumstances. (DS9: "Blaze of Glory") Fan continuities [edit | edit source] Star Trek: Pendragon [edit | edit source] In the Pendragon timeline, the Jem'Hadar never invaded the Alpha Quadrant, and thus Hudson did not die in 2373. Meanwhile, after the shipments of weapons to the Cardassian colonies were exposed, the Central Command officially denied all involvement in the matter. Rick Berman disallowed their complete decimation in case the creative staff of Star Trek: Voyager wanted to use them again later. The Maquis' true objective was as surprising as it was unconventional. Set in the late 24th century at the Deep Space Nine space station, it is part … (VOY: "Learning Curve") Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay became close friends and confidantes; by 2373, she felt he was the most invaluable member of her crew. (VOY: "Life Line"), Seska, a Cardassian infiltrator to the Maquis, Their trust in one another was not without its tests; in 2376, Voyager crewmember and former Borg drone Seven of Nine began experimenting with a cortical processing subunit to increase her efficiency in processing information. [14] Dreadnought, former Cardassian weapon commandeered by the Maquis (" Dreadnought ") Hudson has to leave to tell Samuels' wife about his death, and briefly reminisces about their time at New Berlin, specifically the fun they and their wives had at the Mazurka Festival. Violence nearly broke out when Picard attempted to evacuate the settlers by force. Behr actually wanted to officially kill off every single member of the Maquis, apart from those aboard Voyager, in DS9's fifth season with "Blaze of Glory". Later, Torres showed her great skill after working with Janeway to develop a resolution to the crisis, and Janeway decided that promoting Torres over Carey was an important sign of trust. The Maquis was a group formed by former Federation citizen in the Demilitarized Zone who banded together to defend their homes from the Cardassian aggression. Time Period: 2300s. Maquis (čti maki) je křovina rostoucí v evropské části Středomoří. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", "Rules of Engagement"), With the Cardassians' eye turned inward and their military reduced to a third-rate power, the Maquis had nearly free reign of the DMZ. Captain Janeway invited Chakotay aboard; although he was angered to learn that Tuvok was really Janeway's security officer, he cooperated with Voyager to search for B'Elanna Torres, his Maquis engineer, and Harry Kim, the Starfleet ensign assigned to operations aboard Voyager. Before the runabout can intervene, another Federation vessel arrives and quickly destroys the Cardassians. Evek appears to not have been aware of Dukat's involvement. The Maquis were named after the French resistance group during World War II. The destruction of a Cardassian ship leads Sisko, Dukat, and Sisko's old friend Cal Hudson to the fact that there is an unofficial war between the Maquis … In one of their boldest offensives, a Maquis cell launched a massive attack against Gul Evek's flagship, the Vetar, crippling it before being driven off by the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike"), As critical as the Maquis' offensives were, even more embarrassing were the continued stream of Starfleet officers who resigned their commissions in the Federation to join the Maquis in their fight against the Cardassians. Also, the Maquis were soon written in such a way as to no longer cause friction or question the authority aboard the ship. Imhotep. While a Cardassian freighter, the Bok'Nor, is docked at Deep Space 9, a Human posing as a Starfleet maintenance worker tampers with a nearby wall panel. Meanwhile, Sakonna requests that Quark move the weapon shipment schedule forward to that night and he complies greedily. [3], Arguably, the Maquis were focused on more in Deep Space Nine than in Voyager, despite having been conceived for the latter series. USS Voyager kpt. "When we couldn't find a fresh way to develop it," Taylor remembered, "then we decided it was time for it to go away." Dukat explains that Cardassian Central Command is unaware of his presence on DS9, as he came aboard unregistered on a cargo ship. "The Maquis" is a two-part episode from the second season of the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. [DS9] Season 2, Episode 21 (Netflix: S2 E21): The Maquis Part 2. Shortly thereafter, establishing the Maquis became the inspiration for the writing of a Deep Space Nine two-parter. Intelligence Service: They discover there has been fighting going on without the two governments knowing about it. After a few introductions, they talk in Sisko's office. Also, this was intended to be Chakotay's home planet, though that was never mentioned onscreen (according to memory alpha). Hudson's suspicions proved to be true: by shipping the weapons through intermediaries such as the Lissepians, they managed to avoid the attention of Starfleet. One of the colonists present named Amaros attacks Evek and must be restrained. They developed new techniques and tactics to evade pursuit, such as using thoron particles to render tricorders useless. ← 39th of 173 produced in DS9 → During the Dominion War he transported duranium for the Federation. Maquis „Makisté“ (v originále „The Maquis“; v původním českém překladu „Makvis“) je dvoudílná, v pořadí dvacátá a dvacátá první epizoda druhé sezóny seriálu Star Trek: Stanice Deep Space Nine. The Maquis wished to formally declare their secession from the Federation as an independent state, but they were defeated by Cardassia's new overlord, the Dominion and its powerful army of Jem'Hadar, before their plans materialized. As of 2385, he has assumed the position of Chief Conn Officer of the Invincible-class Fleet Carrier-Heavy Battleship prototype USS Invincible. With Avery Brooks, Rene Auberjonois, Alexander Siddig, Terry Farrell. Teero refused to let the idea of the Maquis die, and discovery of Voyager safe in the Delta Quadrant gave him an opportunity to try and resurrect the rebellion through his mind control plan from six years prior. "The only Maquis left by the end of this show are basically the ones who are off in the Delta Quadrant. The Maquis eventually took control of Voyager and nearly stranded its Starfleet crew on a planet in the Delta Quadrant. The inhabitants of those worlds would be resettled elsewhere beforehand. The Klingon invasion led to the occupation of more than a dozen outlying colonies, the destruction of a large portion of the Cardassian fleet, and massive damage to the Union's industrial infrastructure. 1 Plot 2 Chapters 3 Cast 3.1 Starring 3.2 Also …   Unknown (2370)   Most of all, I know that the Cardassians can't be trusted to keep their side of the bargain in this treaty. To … Michael lost that fight." Moore even imagined that, if the starship Voyager returned to Earth prior to the conclusion of the series, "All the Maquis people [would] take regular commissions in Starfleet." (VOY: "Hunters"), Thomas Riker on the bridge of the USS Defiant during the Orias Assault in 2371. Furthermore, Dukat swears on the lives of his seven children that the Bok'Nor was not transporting weapons, despite the fact that it could have rendezvoused with a third party in order to do so. It has massive defensive capabilities, but it must be stopped, at all costs. Unfortunately, the freighter explodes while leaving the station. Conceived by Harry Doddema and Dan Carlson in September 2003 and officially launched on December 5 of that year, it uses the wiki model and is hosted by Wikia, Inc. on the MediaWiki software. (Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages, p. 119). (DS9: "Blaze of Glory"). The notion of the Maquis was conceived by the end of July 1993. " Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1" (archive footage) Alynna Nechayev. (DS9 comic: "The Maquis: Soldier of Peace, Issue 1") In mid 2373, at the behest of Constable Odo, the USS Defiant entered the Badlands to track down the Badlands anomaly. And yet we're constantly arrested and charged with terrorism. When they describe the incident they observed, both sides seem to feel that their colonists were justified. Memory Alpha says it was he was a senior when he wrote that article on the formation of the Maquis. As well as expressing concerns that Odo is not suitable for the position as head of station security, … Picard confronted Gul Macet with the evidence, telling him that while he did not allow Maxwell to board a Cardassian cargo ship in the interest of preserving the peace, "We'll be watching." Sisko agrees to go, taking Dukat's intentions at his word. Sisko attacked the Maquis colony on Solosos III, using trilithium resin to poison the planet's atmosphere and make it uninhabitable for Humans for the next fifty years. Janewayové se na sedm let ztratí z Badlands poblíž stanice DS9, právě když pátrá po Makistech. (TNG: "Journey's End"). Introducing herself as Sakonna, she insists it should be a private meeting, so they plan to meet later for dinner. Both the Federation Council and the Cardassian Central Command acquiesced for the time being. Believing the force to be intended for an "unofficial" assault against the DMZ, the Maquis sought to destroy this new force before it could be used against them. Ignoring the treaty's restrictions, they launched a massive invasion of the Demilitarized Zone, rapidly and efficiently wiping out every Maquis colony. [2] Although Star Trek: Voyager initially featured tensions motivated by the Maquis on board the ship, no long-term plans were made for developing the Maquis on the series, with each of their appearances instead dealt with on a case-by-case basis. (VOY: "Repression"). Sites. -This introduces the ideas necessary for the Maquis, but not the Maquis itself. The Demilitarized Zone was becoming very militarized. Tato dvojepizoda položila základ následujícímu seriálu Star Trek: Voyager. Concerning Federation policy with regard to the Maquis, Ronald D. Moore explained: "I know you. "Sounds like the perfect place for a hideout," he observes. Back in the Alpha Quadrant, the Maquis managed to not only survive, but to expand their influence and consolidate their position inside the Demilitarized Zone in the two years following the Orias incident. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Maquis (Part 1) Rewatch September 6, 2015 2:41 PM - Season 2, Episode 20 ... Memory Alpha) I wrote this. This seemed like a good episode for that." We put in a little line at the end saying that there might be more Maquis out there, who knows? "He happens to be brilliant, his brain is twice the size of yours and mine." Thomas Eugene Paris, or Tom Paris, is a male Human Starfleet officer in the 24th century who was famous as a crack starship pilot after his seven-year tour as the flight controller of the Intrepid-class USS Voyager. She is currently Chief of Security on Deep Space Nine; however, she was previously a member of the Maquis. Additionally, the Klingons formed a secret, informal alliance with the Maquis. Nonetheless, as far as the DS9 writers were concerned, the Maquis story arc was finished. SHORT CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY: Admiral Owen Paris (primarily played by actor Richard Herd) was a senior Starfleet official and the father of Tom Paris. Any MetaFilter member can post a thread about a piece of media for other members to discuss. Carey grudgingly accepted Torres as the new chief engineer, but he was gracious, congratulated her and pledged the entirety of his skill under her direction, which was an important early step in the Starfleet-Maquis cooperation aboard the ship. "The people who were doing that began to sound like whiners," complained Jeri Taylor. Rick Berman, Michael Piller, Jeri Taylor, and James Crocker Thomas Riker, who was one of the Starfleet officers to resign, told Major Kira Nerys that he had joined the group because people were dying in the Demilitarized Zone and Starfleet wasn't doing anything about it. Can I at least tell them it looks like an accident? Production number: 40512-440 The Caretaker died around the same time, leaving his array open to plunder by the Kazon. At ops, Dax tells Kira she has a dinner date with the Gallamite Captain Boday. 15 & 16) Regarding Berman, Ron Moore reflected, "He really thought that Gene (Roddenberry) wouldn't have liked the whole Maquis story line. Among the items she wished … George Reid Millar, DSO MC, was a Scottish journalist, author and soldier who was awarded the Military Cross (MC) for his escape during the first part of the Second World War which he wrote about in Horned Pigeon. About FanFare. So, yeah, they'd been around for about a year by the time Voyager got lost. The Federation colonists did not accept these attacks passively. Directed by Corey Allen. (TNG episode: "Journey's End") Matters further escalated when it was discovered that Cardassian Legate Parn was responsible for shipping weapons into the DMZ … The Maquis (sh. The Maquis ('mah-kee') is a group of federation rebels/terrorists that was created after the Federation signed a treaty with Cardassia. RESOURCES: Culluh: Memory Alpha Images: Picture Gallery Anthony De Longis: IMDB . 1 History 2 Fan continuities 2.1 Star Trek: Pendragon 3 People 4 External links The Maquis announced their existence with the bombing of a freighter that was supplying the Cardassian colonists of the … In 2373, the Maquis attacked two Bolian freighters carrying selenium and rhodium nitrite. Over the years there have been many complaints about the inconsistency regarding characters and stories in STAR TREK series, “STAR TREK VOYAGER” (1995-2001). Boday was a male Gallamite active as a transport captain in the 2370s decade. Now I realize that the conflict the Maquis were part of was 70,000 light years away, but still I think some of the Maquis would have resented Janeway for destroying the Array and preventing them from going home right away to defend their land from the Cardassians. This truce enforced an end to active hostilities but left unresolved many of the major questions of the conflict, such as the fate of both colonies and colonists along the Cardassian border and Demilitarized Zone. Much more controversial, however, was the exchange of colonies which was to take place. The Maquis' good fortune came in large part thanks to massive upheavals inside the Cardassian Union. You know, in some ways you're even worse than the Borg. Sisko then opens the door to his office, asking Kira to leave. DS9 commander Benjamin Sisko pursued, and discovered that the Maquis cell involved was led by Calvin Hudson, the Starfleet attaché and a personal friend. Share. "The Maquis, Part I" The Maquis, Part 2 (02x21) - Sisko tries to rescue Gul Dukat, stop the Maquis terrorists, and prevent a new war with the Cardassians. Late in 2370, the Cardassians launched an elaborate scheme to attempt to discredit the Federation's policies and to establish grounds to invade the DMZ to eliminate the Maquis. Janeway and Chakotay began to regard one another with suspicion, but after examining Seven's alcove and her data, they realized that her claims were far-fetched. USS Enterprise-D captain Jean-Luc Picard attempted to negotiate an agreement with the settlers, but they steadfastly refused to leave. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike"; VOY: "Ex Post Facto"; DS9: "For the Uniform") The Maquis also served as a haven for those disgraced and outcast from Starfleet and the Federation, such as Admiral Owen Paris' son Tom Paris (VOY: "Caretaker") and B'Elanna Torres. The Maquis saw themselves as victims, betrayed, abandoned, carelessly given away by the Federation authorities to the Cardassians in the name of peace; a peace they and their families never experienced. Although the Cardassian government had officially pledged to leave the Federation colonists alone, a wide campaign of oppression began at practically the same time. The roots of the Maquis insurrection can be traced back to the 2350s during the Cardassian wars. This set is part of the Deep Space Nine Block consisting of cards from Emissary, Emissary: Supplemental, Warp Pack: Emissary, The Maquis, and The Gamma Quadrant, 1 … You're only sending them replicators because one day they can take their 'rightful place' on the Federation Council. ", "Education is power. The Alpha Quadrant is a term designating a quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy, encompassing parts of the United Federation of Planets, including Earth, Betazed, Delta IV, and Trill, and other powers, such as the Cardassian Union, the Ferengi Alliance, the Tzenkethi, the Tholian Assembly, the Xindi and the Breen Confederacy. ", "I'm glad to see you had no trouble finding us, Ben. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part II"), The first official strike by the Maquis, the bombing of the Bok'Nor. "Then perhaps you can explain where the Federation ship came from, the one outfitted with photon torpedoes." The Maquis have captured this beast and will send them to attack planets, once in range of a planet it will detonate, killing massive populations on the surface and damaging anything within range in orbit. Open your eyes, captain. 1 History 1.1 Early years 1.2 U.S.S. The Cardassian colonists mounted the weapons – including Galor-class heavy disruptors – onto shuttlecraft-sized vessels and used them to attack Federation interests. It was also transported to the Delta Quadrant, suffering heavy casualties in the process. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I"), By the mid-2360s, the wars had settled into an effective stalemate, with neither side gaining advantage in terms of firepower or territory. When a Cardassian freighter explodes at Deep Space 9, the Cardassians blame Federation colonists in the new Demilitarized Zone. (VOY: "State of Flux") Unknown at the time, a Bajoran vedek named Teero Anaydis, ejected from the Maquis for his controversial experiments with mind control, knew of Tuvok's real loyalties, and used a surgical technique based around a mind meld to implant subconscious instructions in his mind. During the episode's development, Ronald D. Moore wanted to reveal that the Maquis were now in cahoots with the Klingon Empire, though this subplot was later dropped. Another theory, told to Janeway, implicated Chakotay as the leader of a resurrected Maquis rebellion which would use the catapult to strike Federation and Cardassian targets. If necessary, Teero could transmit a message to Tuvok which would have him attack the Maquis crew members, mind-meld with them, and bring them under Teero's control. Thus provoked, Captain Sisko launched his own offensive inside the DMZ, in an attempt to capture Eddington. The Federation and the Cardassians settled a large number of class M planets in close proximity to each other, and the issue of ownership of these colonies – as well as their security – became the causes of war. Why? 29, Nos. Sisko immediately asks where Jake is, saying bluntly he believes Dukat is capable of anything. (The Official Star Trek: Voyager Magazine issue 1, p. 67) Incidentally, some of Voyager's Maquis crew were later forced into a Hirogen holodeck simulation of the resistance. The continued story with the Maquis ramps up. Some of the Maquis indicated a willingness to rebel against Janeway and take over the ship, although Chakotay immediately chastised them. It was heading toward Farius Prime, but now they know it is a false route. The Bok'Nor was suspected of running weapons to the Cardassian colonists in the DMZ. Other episodes of TNG, DS9, and VOY contribute to the Maquis story line but these are the episodes in which the Maquis actually appear and/or are an important plot point. It aired on the 4th of December, 2020. "Explain why your ships were armed with Galor-class phaser banks." They behave exactly like the Starfleet people with the occasional nod towards B'Elanna (Roxann Dawson) making a snide remark about Starfleet protocols, or Chakotay (Robert Beltran) getting a little quasi-spiritual." When Sisko returns to his quarters that evening, he finds Gul Dukat waiting for him. The … (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion (p. 190)), In "Caretaker", the Maquis aboard the USS Voyager donned Starfleet uniforms, due to Michael Piller having lost the debate over whether they should do so. Star Trek Deep Space Nine Episodenliste Star Trek Deep Space Nine Episodenliste Wikimedia Liste Sprache Beobachten Bearbeiten Weitergeleitet von Liste der Episo At least they tell you about their plans for assimilation. Using the materials from those captured cargos, the Maquis created a large cache of cobalt diselenide – a biogenic agent deadly to Cardassians.   Arc: The Maquis (1 of 2) → They follow the Maquis into an area called the Badlands with which Bashir is unfamiliar.

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