selena gomez horoscope

There is no such things as a good or a bad house, because each area of life is necessary in its own way, and we need all of them, if we are to improve spiritually. Some inspirations require surrendering as well as striking a balance derived from alternate action and passivity. If your sign is Scorpio or your Ascendant is Scorpio: you are secretive, powerful, domineering, resistant, intuitive, asserted, charismatic, magnetic, strong-willed, perspicacious, passionate, creative, independent, vigorous, generous, loyal, hard-working, persevering, untameable, possessive, cunning, ambitious, sexual, proud, intense, competitive but also aggressive, destructive, stubborn, anxious, tyrannical, perverse, sadistic, violent, self-centred, complex, jealous. The Eighth House is the sphere of emotional security, the depths of the self, secrets and paranormal, transcendence, sexuality, mysteries, upheavals, surgical operations, others' money (investments, inheritances), crises, transformation after evolution, death. One of the dominant planets in your birth chart is the Sun. Trees: pines, willows, flowering ashes, aspens, poplars, alders. More than anyone in this regard, you are touchy and extremely uncompromising. It is actually far more complex. The Fifth House is the sphere of pleasures and love affairs (but not commitment or marriage), creations and entertainments, children, arts and game. You have an innate ability to instinctively absorb atmospheres and impressions that nurture you, and as a result, you are often dreaming your life away rather than actually living it. Youth is plagued by hardships, but the sufferings undergone in early life turn into a powerful spur to later become a brilliant champion of law and social reforms. Besides, to your view, voluntary renunciation is the best way to avoid confrontations and hurdles. She has received various accolades and was honored as the Billboard Woman of the Year in 2017. You are a charming partner, with a lot of humour. Trees: nut trees such as chestnut trees. In 2007, Gomez came to prominence as a starring cast member in the television series Wizards of Waverly Place. 1st Water sign - 2nd Cardinal sign (summer solstice) - Feminine, In analogy with the Moon, her ruler, and the 4th House. ), it rules Scorpio, is in exaltation in Pisces and is in analogy with the sexual organs and excretion. You consider self-transformation to be a hazardous adventure. However, other astrological elements also influence these areas. If Mercury is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Mercurian: the tradition points out the importance of communication. On the day of your birth, she is found in Leo. The actor’s bedroom features a number of quirky details that liven up the space. Here are some character traits from Selena Gomez's birth chart. Herbs and aromatics: mint, Cayenne pepper. The danger is that you may "be taken in" by charm. N.B. But the exercise is worthwhile. According to the legend of the Circle of Animals, Buddha summoned all the animals to bid them farewell before he left our world. N.B. Therefore, you must learn to control your hyper-sensitivity and your fits of temper. If aggressive instincts are constructively canalised, one may be entrusted with a position of authority and achieve success through acts of bravery. Your look, your charm, and your seduction are omnipresent elements in your behaviour. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved. For you, each new situation constitutes a field for experimentation. However, pride is detrimental to the couple’s harmony and to genuine exchanges. She enriches the unconscious, and gives the possibility to combine modern life with spirituality, the East with the West, and mysticism with concrete life. N.B. Cities: Moscow, Salzburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Saint Petersburg. Before you start to think, to accept your interlocutor, or to keep your distance, you follow your dislikes or your infatuations, sometimes quite blindly. You are a determined, strong-willed, and assertive person, with this relative criterion at least. A human being is a complex whole and only bodies of texts can attempt to successfully figure out all the finer points. Want to make a similar one for yourself, click on the link below But it is hard for you to let go. The Third House is the sphere of social and intellectual apprenticeship, studies, relationships with close people and surroundings, short trips, light-hearted and quick contacts, correspondences. Your helpfulness is deep and you never hesitate to solve other people's problems. When you look at the Leo glyph, you see a lion’s head and mane. Please, always keep in mind that human beings are continuously evolving and that many parts of our psychological structures are likely to be expressed later, after having undergone significant life's experiences. Your activities are varied and placed under the sign of adaptability, and multiplication of resources. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrün. The South Node is rather negative, of a Saturnian nature: the experience through suffering. Feelings may prevail over reason. It may also describe limited intellectual faculties or deep solicitude for an ailing person. Apollon is related to the ability to synthesise, as well as to broad-mindedness, and fame. Characterology: Emotive, Active, Secondary type; it is a Passionate type. One wastes a great deal of energy in meaningless fights and aggressions, thus wearing down the patience of benevolent people. Cupido is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet, the existence of which is not proven. The First House or Ascendant represents one's behaviour in the eyes of others and also one's health. Gomez released three albums with her former band, Selena Gomez & the Scene: Kiss & Tell (2009), A Year Without Rain (2010), and When the Sun Goes Down (2011), all of which peaked within the top ten on the US Billboard 200 and attained gold certifications. Through your affective relationships, you want to earn recognition for your qualities and your worth. In spite of the fact that your broad-mindedness may scatter your centres of interest, it also allows you to carefully avoid restricting your manner to an immutable, unique and rigid discourse. From idle but enriching chatters to observation gift, such a dominant endows you with a wide range of expression. After this paragraph about dominant planets, of Selena Gomez, here are the character traits that you must read more carefully than the previous texts since they are very specific: the texts about dominant planets only give background information about the personality and remain quite general: they emphasize or, on the contrary, mitigate different particularities or facets of a personality. Elles seront également utilisées sous réserve des … It represents inventors, odd characters, revolutionaries. Therefore, some caution is to be exercised as you read what follows. Flowers and plants: small bright-coloured flowers, especially blue and yellow, such as dandelions, buttercups, yellow dead-nettles, buglosses, forget-me-nots ; cardamoms, oak leaves, acorns. Selena Gomez shared a photo on Instagram: “HERE IT IS!!! Trees: mulberry trees, chestnut trees, ash trees, lemon trees, oaks. 3rd Air sign - 4th Fixed sign - Masculine, In analogy with Uranus his ruler, with Saturn, and the 11th House. Selena Gomez- the cute and vivacious American star, actress, singer and fashion designer celebrates her birthday on the 22nd July. In such a case, the outcome is our final evolution and even, our transformation. Your angular houses, namely, the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses, are very emphasized in your chart, Selena Gomez: according to the Tradition, they are the strongest and most dynamic houses. In your natal chart, the three most important signs - according to criteria mentioned above - are in decreasing order of strength Leo, Cancer and Aries. Some traditional associations with Pisces: Stones, Metals and Salts: sapphires, jade, copper, potassium and sodium phosphate. For more information, see the page dedicated to the Moon. Cities: Paris, Boston, Athens, Lyon, Corinthia, Heidelberg, spa towns in general. Share Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Google+ Email Pinterest. Food: dried fruits, chestnuts, ground-level vegetables: peas, broad beans, etc. One must face the sad reality, understand that one lacks qualifications, and start to learn a job. Testimonies to numerology are found in the most ancient civilizations and show that numerology pre-dates astrology. Should the rest of your chart concur, angular houses suggest that you are an enterprising, energetic and assertive woman. In love, Madam, you are so romantic and dreamy, that you are in love practically all the time, even though it never shows… because you are so subtle and interiorized that everything is actually occurring in your head, most of the time. Some traditional associations with Leo: The first step is to evaluate the importance of each planet. The positive side of each personality is deliberately stressed. If your sign is Pisces or your Ascendant is Pisces: you are emotional, sensitive, dedicated, adaptable, nice, wild, compassionate, romantic, imaginative, flexible, opportunist, intuitive, impossible to categorized, irrational, seductive, placid, secretive, introverted, pleasant, artistic, and charming. Therefore, your comportment is marked with heroism, and your stands are devoid of ambiguity, in the sense that your commitments are unfailing, and your rebuffs, final. Leo Symbol: The Lion is the perfect symbol for Leo, one of the proudest and most regal signs. It is in analogy with Aquarius and Uranus, and Saturn to a lesser extent. You have a strong artistic side, and you never neglect subjective but clear concepts such as pleasure, beauty, and also sensuality. One achieves success and fame through one's career and earns people's admiration for one's humanitarian work. And quickly added they are like Rihanna and Chris Brown Part Two! Selena Gomez has the most followers on Instagram. Kronos is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet, the existence of which is not proven. There are three types of dominants: dominant planets, dominant signs and dominant houses. Countries: Belgium, Wales, United-States, Lower Egypt, Sardinia, Armenia. It is true that you never want to be thought of the notable absentee, and that you manage to make people pay attention to you, as well as to your plans and your assessments. Because the essentials remain to be discovered and each new situation is full of potentialities, you strive to fill the gaps in your knowledge. It is advised to read a portrait with hindsight in order to appreciate its astrological content. Actually the humid version of Mars, inclined to action like him. The 1st House is in analogy with Aries and thus Mars too and then the Sun. If your sign is Aries or your Ascendant is Aries: you are courageous, frank, enthusiastic, dynamic, fast, bold, expansive, warm, impulsive, adventurous, intrepid, warlike, competitive, but also naive, domineering, self-centred, impatient, rash, thoughtless, blundering, childish, quick-tempered, daring or primitive. Psychologically speaking, your nature is powerful and self-assured. Outsider's opinions don't matter! The Twelfth House is the sphere of hidden things, enemies, closed or remote places (hospital, prison, convent etc. The Southern hemisphere – the top of your chart, around the Midheaven – is associated with extraversion, action, and public life, whereas the Northern hemisphere prompts to introversion, reflexion, and private life. Zodiac Sign: Selena Gomez is a Cancer. Is it an extraordinary partner? This text is only an excerpt from of Selena Gomez's portrait. Food: meat, potatoes, barley, beets, spinach, medlars, onions, quinces, flour and starchy food in general. Finally, relations will settle among planets, creating a third structure, which completes the planets' basic meanings. As of now, there have been rumours of her dating the “star boy” aka the Weeknd. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrün. Tradition also matches her with the end of life, after Saturn the old age, it is thus customary to go back to one's place of birth to die: the end of life meets the very beginning. It is an angular house, the most important one with the Midheaven, maybe even more so due to its link with the body and health; the Ascendant is as important as the Sun in a natal chart. N.B. Juno is the asteroid corresponding to the adaptation to the marital partner and to the defence of individual rights; it is thus used in the field of marriage. Your will to experience an exemplary passion is very strong because you are an idealist and you can love only if you can admire. The Water type, sentimental and receptive? This degree may indicate a health condition which wreaks havoc on the marriage, including impotence or frigidity. Therefore, some caution is to be exercised as you read what follows. Your sense of commandment, the honour your person constantly exudes, your prestige and your charisma is a whole which puts you into the spotlight wherever you go. The axis of the Lunar nodes moves 19 degrees each year, namely a bit more than three minutes each day. Additional information on the source of the birth time is sometimes available in the biography excerpt below. The other side of the coin: tenacity may turn into stubbornness. If one is willing to control one's taste for dangerous undertakings, one can achieve success in horse breeding, training, or trade. The Earth type, realistic and efficient? We are hoping that it will not rebound on the victims' side. You are interested in acquisitions and possessions, and you have tremendous aptitudes for seizing any opportunity to make a capital yield profit, regardless of the source it comes from, and in spite of the reversal of fortune you might have undergone. You cannot achieve anything behind the scenes. Gomez's other ventures include a makeup line, a clothing line, a handbag line, a fragrance line, and a production company named July Moonhead Productions. This specific feature means that the Sun's characteristics previously delineated are strengthened. Practical, honest, and unambitious character. The path of life, based on the date of birth, provides indications on the kind of destiny which one is meant to experience. With the Moon in the 9th House, the world is your huge family. Many of Selena Gomez's most well-known songs fit into the zodiac sign framework. You express yourself straightforwardly and directly, at the risk of hurting your entourage. Tenacious, passionate, and agile character. It constitutes your main asset to manage your life. For more information, see the page dedicated to the sign of Aquarius. This degree warns against all forms of violence and accidents. People have thousands of facets, thousands of masks to wear according to the circumstances and the fortunes of life. Countries: England, France, Germany, Denmark. Cities: Delhi, Oxford, Brussels, Mexico, Port-Saïd, Gent, Constance, Mecklenburg, all the administrative centres of capital cities. If it is not offset by other influences in your natal chart, you may not have an iron will. It is always located in the East of the chart, around the Ascendant. This description is far from being comprehensive but it can shed light on his/her personality, which is still interesting for professional astrologers or astrology lovers. Without love, the Venusian is resourceless, lost, and deprived of any reason for living. Stones, Metals and Salts: copper, calcium and potassium sulphate, emeralds. This is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. If Pluto is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Plutonian: you sometimes feel like a foreigner who does not belong to the world, to its laws, and its concerns. : symbolic degrees belong to a branch of fatalistic astrology. If Jupiter is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Jupiterian: because this planet brings about a keen interest in social and professional success, the Tradition considers it to be beneficial. During the final hours of New York City’s big snowstorm this week, which blanketed the city in over 17.2 inches of snow, Selena Gomez made a bold move: Navigating the city and its scantily plowed sidewalks in heels.The singer was photographed out on Tuesday, carefully walking to lunch with a friend at The Odeon restaurant in TriBeCa. Selena Marie Gomez (born July 22, 1992 (birth time source: Twitter. One does not shun difficulties and displays a great deal of courage, especially when anyone needs to be rescued. You need a strong and stable partner whom you can rely on. Date of Birth: Wednesday, July 22, 1992. She first appeared on screen in the children’s television series Barney and Friends, until she landed a spot on the Disney channel in the hit children’s series Wizards of Waverly Place. It is in analogy with Capricorn and Saturn. Famous Cancers: Ariana Grande, Will Ferrell, Selena Gomez. If your sign is Libra or your Ascendant is Libra: you are sentimental, charming, polite, refined, loyal, a pacifist, fair, distinguished, light-hearted, romantic, learned, ethereal, nice, well-groomed, a perfectionist, calm, sweet, tolerant, sociable, elegant, considerate, seductive, aesthetic, indulgent, but also hesitant, weak, indecisive, selfish, fragile, fearful, indolent, cool or even insensitive. Life is devoted to a hard work which is not very profitable, and one has no desire to outshine others or to get a preferment. The Vertex is sometimes considered to be the second Descendant because, like the latter, it is related to communication and exchanges. Both feelings are tightly linked and there is a real danger that love is broken up by trivial misunderstandings, just because your touchiness is affected. Although management is one of your forte, and you can adjust your objectives to current realities better than other people, you lack the hindsight which enables you to avoid short-term vagaries and daily fluctuations. But you may also be indecisive, moody, confused, wavering, lazy, scatterbrained, vulnerable, unpredictable and gullible. Then, you will reach higher levels of harmony with your partner. : numerous astrologers believe neither in the influence of Kronos, nor in that of all hypothetical planets, asteroids, Arabic parts or other fictitious points. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez! The Martian type, active and a go-getter? You can also choose not to take this shift into account in the form, and also tick the option Koch or Equal houses system instead of Placidus, the default houses system. Pluto is our deepest instincts’ brutal force. Like the majority of Earth signs, Selena Gomez, you are efficient, concrete and not too emotional. Withdrawn, patient, and adventurous character. Selena Gomez y Rauw Alejandro lanzaron una nueva versión de su video musical Baila Conmigo durante la 33a. This page was last edited on 3 December 2020, at 05:08. the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. This principle is valid for the 59,615 celebrities included in our database. The Plutonian type, domineering and secretive? In the first part, an overall analysis of the chart enables us to figure out the personality's main features and to emphasize several points that are confirmed or not in the detailed analysis: in any case, those general traits are taken into account. The Seventh House also called the Descendant (in front of the Ascendant) is the sphere of partnership, marriage, contracts, relationships with others, the outer world. You are interested in what is unknown and in the subtle laws of a hidden order. Some traditional associations with Virgo: Selena Gomez, Venus in the 1st house (also called Ascendant) represents your behaviour or your character, as seen by others. If your sign is Capricorn or your Ascendant is Capricorn: you are serious, cold, disciplined, patient, focused, thoughtful, ambitious, indomitable, cautious, lucid, persistent, provident, steady, introverted, stern, wilful, hard-working, responsible, persevering, honest, realistic, loyal, reserved, resolute, moralistic, quiet, rigorous, attached and reliable. Indeed, angular houses are said to generate impulsions and to give a powerful and domineering personality. There is a "snooper" side in you, a curiosity that may turn into indiscretion. With Selena’s Moon in Aries zodiac sign, she tends to be restless and active. Selena Gomez was born on July 22; she is a Cancer sign, though she falls on the cusp between Cancer and Leo. The planet Saturn symbolizes contraction, effort, time, limitation and concentration. In tough aspect, it may make the person conceited, presumptuous, or elitist. Your weakness probably lies in your sensitivity to splits, a sort of major ordeal you will not be able to overcome rapidly. One can and must develop one's potentialities. He represents our limitations but also our truth. They correspond to twelve specific spheres of life: external behaviour, material, social and family life, relationship, home, love life, daily work, partnership, etc. For more information, see the page dedicated to Uranus. You are so proud and generous, Selena Gomez, that the power of your love contains in itself your vulnerability. Animals: fallow deers, hinds, and the family Cervidae. Finally, other criteria such as the rulership of the Ascendant and the Midheaven etc. This is the other side of the coin of your qualities! Cities: Marseille, Florence, Naples, Birmingham, Wroclaw, Leicester, Capua, Verona. For you, action means climbing up the social ladder, sooner... (excerpt). Born and raised in Texas, Gomez began her career by appearing on the children's television series Barney & Friends (2002–2004). 12 … For a woman, Mars corresponds to the kind of man she's attracted to (but not especially in marriage which is rather symbolized by the Sun, Mars is the lover, not the husband). A faint sign is all you need to perceive what is going on underneath it all, as well as the infinite complexity of people and situations. You have a deep affinity with the agent Water. With Mars in the 10th House, your social and professional life is a constant conquest. Time of Birth: 12:00:00. Trees: fig-trees, willows, aquatic trees. She has over 70 million followers and has surpassed her friend, Taylor Swift. Disclaimer: these short excerpts of astrological charts are computer processed. For a woman, the Moon is almost as important as the Sun and the Ascendant. Food: citrus fruits, apples, limes, dried fruits and easily preserved food. You are perceived as an impatient person, short-tempered, whimsical, unstable and even, aggressive, and people think that you don't take your entourage's needs into account. You feel that you are the bearer of a truth which eludes ordinary people, your parents, and the circles in which you move. It is in analogy with Virgo and Mercury. Ganesha takes a look at her Natal Chart and predicts what the planets indicate about the famous Singer and Actress in the year ahead. Selena Gomez’ Horoscope. You give your love totally, without compromise and half-measure. : numerous astrologers believe neither in the influence of Zeus, nor in that of all hypothetical planets, asteroids, Arabic parts or other fictitious points. Foolhardy, combative, and intransigent character. Uranus represents individual freedom, originality, independence, marginality, avant guard inspiration, ultra modernism. Wrathful, demanding, and destructive character. You show your true face only to persons you can trust, when there is a kind of well being triggered by the nostalgia for the past. Countries: Spain, Australia, Hungary, South Africa, Arabia, Yugoslavia. Indeed, you know how to adjust to events and to jump at the chance when it arises. Therefore, people are well-advised not to hound you into a corner. Flowers and plants: hydrangea, big roses, blue flowers and those associated with Taurus also ruled by Venus, namely, poppies, digitales, violets, primroses, aquilegia, and daisies. There is a strong probability of violence and accident, whether one is the perpetrator or the victim. Currently Gomez is rumored to be dating singer Charlie Puth. Selena est très sensible. You are indeed attracted by the unknown or by what is different from you, and it is mainly abroad that you realize that your emotions are exalted or that your popularity... (excerpt). Precision: concerning the horoscopes with a known time of birth, according to the Tradition, we consider that a planet near the beginning (called cuspide) of the next house (less than 2 degrees for the Ascendant and the Midheaven, and less than 1 degree for all other houses) belongs to this house: our texts and dominants take this rule into account. Many people born in the same period have Neptune in the same sign. Some traditional associations with Cancer: Exaggeration also. It is impossible for a cell – family, social, professional - to function by itself without homogenous references, without a “family likeness”. Animals: long distance big birds such as the albatross. Food: melons, cucumbers, lettuces, vegemite sugar, pumpkins. By Alyssa Bailey. Your Solarian weakness may be related to the sin of pride or to excessive authority. Gemini governs the arms, the lungs and the thorax. In your natal chart, the Sun is in the 12th House, which the Tradition considers the sector of mystical experiences, but also, of ordeals and hurdles.

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