warfarin nursing care plan

Monitor for UTIs, cardiac dysrhythmias, and complications of immobility. Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), unless contraindicated; monitor for bleeding, Management of increased intracranial pressure (ICP): osmotic diuretics, maintain PaCO2 at 30 to 35 mm Hg, position to avoid hypoxia (elevate the head of bed to promote venous drainage and to lower increased ICP), Possible hemicraniectomy for increased ICP from brain edema in a very large stroke, Intubation with an endotracheal tube to establish a patent airway, if necessary, Continuous hemodynamic monitoring (the goals for blood pressure remain controversial for a patient who has not received thrombolytic therapy; antihypertensive treatment may be withheld unless the systolic blood pressure exceeds mm Hg or the diastolic blood pressure exceeds 120 mm Hg), Neurologic assessment to determine if the stroke is evolving and if other acute complications are developing. Remember to phrase your questions so he’ll be able to answer using this system. Rationale: Helps the patient to recognize the presence of persons or objects and may help with depth perception problems. Speak in calm, comforting, quiet voice, using short sentences. Be blessed. Nurseslabs.com is an education and nursing lifestyle website geared towards helping student nurses and registered nurses with knowledge for the progression and empowerment of their nursing careers. Other terms used to denote heart failure include chronic heart failure, cardiac decompensation, cardiac insufficiency, and ventricular failure. Therapeutic Communication Techniques Quiz. Neuromuscular impairment, decreased strength and endurance, loss of muscle control/coordination, Impaired ability to perform ADLs, e.g., inability to bring food from receptacle to mouth; inability to wash body part(s), regulate temperature of water; impaired ability to put on/take off clothing; difficulty completing toileting tasks. It may be necessary to suction, so having suction equipment at the bedside is necessary. Referring the client for speech therapy would be an intervention after the CVA emergency treatment is administered according to protocol. Rationale: Rehabilitation helps to relearn skills that are lost when part of the brain is damaged. Maintain usual/improved level of consciousness, cognition, and motor/sensory function. Goals are affected by knowledge of what the patient was like before the stroke. Weakened (L) side of the cient next to bed. Provide counseling and support to family. Position to prevent contractures; use measures to relieve pressure, assist in maintaining good body alignment, and prevent compressive neuropathies. Ischemic strokes are categorized according to their cause: large artery thrombotic strokes (20%), small penetrating artery thrombotic strokes (25%), cardiogenic embolic strokes (20%), cryptogenic strokes (30%), and other (5%). elevating the head of the bed to 30 degrees, performing range-of-motion exercises to the left side. Establish a regular time (after breakfast) for toileting. Rationale: Valsalva maneuver increases ICP and potentiates risk of rebleeding. Assess patient’s skin temperature and peripheral pulses. Because heart failure causes vascular congestion, it is often called congestive heart failure, although most cardiac specialist no longer uses this term. Advise family that patient may tire easily, become irritable and upset by small events, and show less interest in daily events. Evaluate pupils, noting size, shape, equality, light reactivity. Cardiomyoplasty, an experimental procedure in which the latissimus dorsi muscle is wrapped around the heart and electrically stimulated to contract with each heartbeat, may be done to augment ventricular function while the patient is awaiting cardiac transplantation or when transplantation is not an option. Which of the following nursing measures is inappropriate when providing oral hygiene? History and complete physical and neurologic examination, Transthoracic or transesophageal echocardiography. Maintaining protein and vitamins levels is important, but neither will prevent osteoporosis. May be elevated because of liver congestion and indicate need for smaller dosages of medications that are detoxified by the liver. Prev Article Next Article . Stroke is the primary cerebrovascular disorder in the United States. Discuss patient’s depression with physician for possible antidepressant therapy. Specialized beds help with positioning, enhance circulation, and reduce venous stasis to decrease risk of tissue injury and complications such as orthostatic pneumonia. In 2014, the WA Health Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2015-2017 was developed to set the State’s strategic priorities. This type of aphasia is known as: Global aphasia occurs when all language functions are affected. Use of a cane won’t maintain stride length or prevent edema. Seizures may reflect increased ICP or cerebral injury, requiring further evaluation and intervention. The most common symptom of TIA is the inability to speak. Rationale: Note: even an unresponsive patient may be able to hear, so don’t say anything in his presence you wouldn’t want him to hear and remember. Perform intermittent sterile catheterization during period of loss of sphincter control. All the other actions are appropriate. Asymptomatic carotid stenosis and valvular heart disease (eg, endocarditis, prosthetic heart valves), Flaccid paralysis and loss of or decrease in the deep tendon reflexes (initial clinical feature) followed by (after 48 hours) reappearance of deep reflexes and abnormally increased muscle tone (spasticity), Dysphasia (impaired speech) or aphasia (loss of speech), Apraxia (inability to perform a previously learned action), Visualperceptual dysfunctions (homonymous hemianopia [loss of half of the visual field]), Disturbances in visualspatial relations (perceiving the relation of two or more objects in spatial areas), frequently seen in patients with right hemispheric damage, Sensory losses: slight impairment of touch or more severe with loss of proprioception; difficulty in interrupting visual, tactile, and auditory stimuli. Cardiac index, preload, afterload, contractility, and cardiac work can be measured noninvasively by using thoracic electrical bioimpedance (TEB) technique. Take patient to the bathroom at periodic intervals for voiding if appropriate. Rationale: Suggest possible adaptation to changes and understanding about own role in future lifestyle. These medications are useful for short-term treatment of HF unresponsive to cardiac glycosides, vasodilators, and diuretics in order to increase myocardial contractility and produce vasodilation. A footboard prevents plantar flexion and footdrop by maintaining the foot in a dorsiflexed position. Elevate arm and hand to prevent dependent edema of the hand; administer analgesic agents as indicated. Description. Interventions for patient and partner focus on providing relevant information, education, reassurance, adjustment. Thrombolytic therapy is use to dissolve emboli and reestablish cerebral perfusion. moves the cane forward first, then her right leg, and finally her left leg, When a person with weakness on one side uses a cane, there should always be two points of contact with the floor. Provide positive feedback for efforts and accomplishments. Increase bulk in diet, encourage fluid intake, increased activity. Maintain patient’s attention when talking with patient, speak slowly, and give one instruction at a time; allow patient time to process. Premature atrial contractions (PACs), paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT), PVCs, multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT), and atrial fibrillation (AF) are common dysrhythmias associated with HF, although others may also occur. Talk/communicate with SO about situation and changes that have occurred. Cerebrovascular Accident Nursing Care Plan & Management. Rationale: Chronic hypertension requires cautious treatment because aggressive management increases the risk of extension of tissue damage. Rationale: To promote sense o f independence and self-esteem. Rationale: Awareness on the type and areas of involvement aid in assessing specific deficit and planning of care. Anticipate and provide for patient’s needs. Talk directly to patient, speaking slowly and distinctly. May be used prophylactically to prevent thrombus and embolus formation in presence of risk factors such as venous stasis, enforced bed rest, cardiac dysrhythmias, and history of previous thrombotic episodes. Cholesterol level is an assessment to be addressed for long-term healthy lifestyle rehabilitation. Provide bedside commode. Assess factors related to individual situation for decreased cerebral perfusion and potential for increased ICP. This nursing care plan guide contains 18 NANDA nursing diagnosis and some priority aspects of clinical care for patients with heart failure. Reduces cardiac workload and minimizes myocardial oxygen consumption. It is crucial to monitor the pupil size and pupillary response to indicate changes around the cranial nerves. Finally, the cane, which is even with the weak leg, provides stability while she moves the strong leg. Finding help online is nearly impossible. Perform passive range-of-motion (ROM) exercises. Although pharmacology sometimes feels overwhelming….don’t worry, our pharmacology course provides you with videos, audio, handouts, and workbooks to … Which action should the nurse perform? Rationale: Use of visual and tactile stimuli assists in reintegration of affected side and allows patient to experience forgotten sensations of normal movement patterns. Ask patient to follow simple commands (“Close and open your eyes,” “Raise your hand”); repeat simple words or sentences; Point to objects and ask patient to name them. Rationale: Reduces risk of tissue injury. To decrease your risk for bleeding, your doctor or other health care provider will monitor you closely and check your lab results (INR test) to make sure you are not taking too much warfarin. Provide strong emotional support and understanding to allay anxiety; avoid completing patient’s sentences. Have patient sit upright, preferably on chair, when eating and drinking; advance diet as tolerated. Pupil size and equality is determined by balance between parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation. This nursing care plan guide contains 18 NANDA nursing diagnosis and some priority aspects of clinical care for patients with heart failure. Which of the following is a priority for this client? Avoid pressing for a response. Valve replacement, angioplasty, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Provide family with practical instructions to help patient between speech therapy sessions. moves the cane and her right leg forward, then moves her left leg forward. Teach patient to maintain balance in a sitting position, then to balance while standing (use a tilt table if needed). Because the client’s gag reflex is absent, elevating the head of the bed to 30 degrees helps minimize the client’s risk of aspiration. Deterioration in neurological signs or failure to improve after initial insult may reflect decreased intracranial adaptive capacity requiring patient to be transferred to critical area for monitoring of ICP, other therapies. Limit duration of procedures. Rationale: Changes in rate, especially bradycardia, can occur because of the brain damage. If pressure isn't relieved, capillaries become occluded, reducing circulation and oxygenation of the tissues and resulting in cell death and ulcer formation. A 78 year old client is admitted to the emergency department with numbness and weakness of the left arm and slurred speech. During passive ROM exercises, the nurse moves each joint through its range of movement, which improves joint mobility and circulation to the affected area but doesn’t prevent pressure ulcers. You have not finished your quiz. Strokes are usually hemorrhagic (15%) or ischemic/nonhemorrhagic (85%). To help the client avoid pressure ulcers, Nurse Celia should: The most important intervention to prevent pressure ulcers is frequent position changes, which relieve pressure on the skin and underlying tissues. Assess for abnormal heart and lung sounds. Make patient aware of all neglected body parts: sensory stimulation to affected side, exercises that bring affected side across midline, reminding person to dress/care for affected (“blind”) side. Promoting range-of-motion (ROM) exercises. Provide quiet environment: explain therapeutic management, help patient avoid stressful situations. Decreased cerebral blood flow due to increased ICP; inadequate oxygen delivery to the brain; pneumonia. Rationale: Contraindicated in hypertensive patients because of increased risk of hemorrhage. Cryptogenic strokes have no known cause, and other strokes result from causes such as illicit drug use, coagulopathies, migraine, and spontaneous dissection of the carotid or vertebral arteries. Decreased cerebral blood flow: Pulmonary care, maintenance of a patent airway, and administration of supplemental oxygen as needed. Good luck! You’ve always made my work easier, Am a student nurse and this is really helping me a lot, This notes are lit and helping alot thanks and keep updating especially pharmacology am astudent nurse, Thanks much. The client’s good side should be closest to the bed to facilitate the transfer. The nurse recognizes this problem is probably due to. The nurse is caring for a male client diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm who reports a severe headache. Patients with HF also excrete less sodium, which causes fluid retention and increases myocardial workload. This lateral position helps secretions escape from the throat and mouth, minimizing the risk of aspiration. Decreases venous stasis, and may reduce incidence of thrombus or embolus formation. Absolute rest and quiet may be needed to prevent rebleeding in the case of hemorrhage. Heart failure is a progressive and chronic condition that is managed by significant lifestyle changes and adjunct medical therapy to improve quality of life. Rationale: Enhances sense of self-worth, promotes independence, and encourages patient to continue endeavors. Heart failure is not a disease itself, instead, the term refers to a clinical syndrome characterized by manifestations of volume overload, inadequate tissue perfusion, and poor exercise tolerance. The nurse is formulating a teaching plan for a client who has just experienced a transient ischemic attack (TIA). Check for calf tenderness, diminished pedal pulses, swelling, local redness, or pallor of extremity. Help patients alter risk factors for stroke; encourage patient to quit smoking, maintain a healthy weight, follow a healthy diet (including modest alcohol consumption), and exercise daily. Opening the client’s mouth with a padded tongue blade. Use this guide to formulate your nursing care plans and nursing interventions for patients experiencing acute pain. Signs and symptoms include sudden paralysis, altered speech, extreme irritability or fatigue, and seizures. Have patient avoid activities eliciting a vasovagal response (straining during defecation, holding breath during position changes). The assistant praises the client for attempting to perform ADL’s independently. Which assessment data would indicate to the nurse that the client would be at risk for a hemorrhagic stroke? Rationale: Continuous stimulation or activity can increase intracranial pressure (ICP). Increase natural or artificial lighting in the room; provide eyeglasses to improve vision. Rationale: Independence is highly valued in American culture but is not as significant in some cultures. The client has had a right-sided cerebrovascular accident. Elevate legs, avoiding pressure under knee. Urine output is usually decreased during the day because of fluid shifts into tissues but may be increased at night because fluid returns to circulation when patient is recumbent. The effects of nursing interventions to enhance mental health and quality of life among individuals with heart failure. General signs and symptoms include numbness or weakness of face, arm, or leg (especially on one side of body); confusion or change in mental status; trouble speaking or understanding speech; visual disturbances; loss of balance, dizziness, difficulty walking; or sudden severe headache. Consideration of social factors, in addition to functional status, is important in determining appropriate discharge destination. 4. Assess patient’s ability to communicate the need to void and/or ability to use urinal, bedpan. Anti-hyperuricemic medication is given to clients with gout. Monitor for sleep disturbance, increased difficulty concentrating, statements of inability to cope, lethargy, withdrawal. Patients and families who engage with health care providers ask good questions and help reduce the risk of errors and hospital admissions. Assist the male patient to an upright posture for voiding. Situational crises, vulnerability, cognitive perceptual changes, Inability to cope/difficulty asking for help, Inability to meet basic needs/role expectations. Maintain a supportive, firm attitude. The signs and symptoms of heart failure are defined based on which ventricle is affected—left-sided heart failure causes a different set of manifestations than right-sided heart failure. Auscultate apical pulse, assess heart rate, rhythm. Make referral for home speech therapy. A nurse is caring for a 2 year-old child after corrective surgery for Tetralogy of Fallot. Weigh patient (used to determine medication dosages), and maintain a neurologic flow sheet to reflect the following nursing assessment parameters: The major goals for the patient (and family) may include improved mobility, avoidance of shoulder pain, achievement of selfcare, relief of sensory and perceptual deprivation, prevention of aspiration, continence of bowel and bladder, improved thought processes, achieving a form of communication, maintaining skin integrity, restored family functioning, improved sexual function, and absence of complications. WARIS II (The Warfarin, Aspirin, Re-Infarction Study) was an open-label, randomized study of 3630 patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction treated with warfarin to a target INR 2.8 to 4.2, aspirin 160 mg per day, or warfarin to a target INR 2.0 to 2.5 plus aspirin 75 mg per day prior to hospital discharge. Teach patient to resume as much selfcare as possible; provide assistive devices as indicated. Rationale:Helps stabilize BP (by restoring vasomotor tone), promotes maintenance of extremities in a functional position and emptying of bladder, reducing risk of urinary stones and infections from stasis. As retraining progresses, advancing complexity of communication stimulates memory and further enhances word and idea association. Achieves normal bowel and bladder elimination. Please wait while the activity loads. Encourage personal hygiene activities as soon as the patient can sit up; select suitable selfcare activities that can be carried out with one hand. Reduced cardiac output, venous pooling, and enforced bed rest increases risk of. Reorient patient frequently to environment, staff, procedures. Please and thank you! Hypoxemia can cause cerebral vasodilation and increase pressure or edema formation. Acknowledge changes in ability and presence of residual involvement. This would be unstable at best; at worse, impossible. ST segment depression and T wave flattening can develop because of increased myocardial oxygen demand, even if no coronary artery disease is present. Rationale:Aids in retraining neuronal pathways, enhancing proprioception and motor response. With a right-sided cerebrovascular accident the client would have left-sided hemiplegia or weakness. Note ability to understand events, provide realistic appraisal of the situation. Approach patient with a decreased field of vision on the side where visual perception is intact; place all visual stimuli on this side. Administer anticoagulant agents as prescribed (eg, lowdose aspirin therapy). Refer patient to physical and occupational therapist. Her history reveals bronchial asthma, exogenous obesity, and iron deficiency anemia. Withhold digitalis preparation as indicated, and notify physician if marked changes occur in cardiac rate or rhythm or signs of digitalis toxicity occur. Provide egg-crate mattress, water bed, flotation device, or specialized beds, as indicated. Encourage patient to attend communitybased stroke clubs to give a feeling of belonging and fellowship with others. Placing the client on the back with a small pillow under the head. Note: Intractable ventricular dysrhythmias unresponsive to medication suggest ventricular aneurysm. Begin active or passive ROM to all extremities (including splinted) on admission. Maintain leg in neutral position with a trochanter roll; Rationale: Prevents external hip rotation. Indicate an understanding of the communication problems. Reinforce the individually tailored program. Measures changes in coagulation processes or effectiveness of anticoagulant therapy. Begin walking as soon as standing balance is achieved (use parallel bars and have wheelchair available in anticipation of possible dizziness). Inspect skin regularly, particularly over bony prominences. Which action should take the highest priority when caring for a client with hemiparesis caused by a cerebrovascular accident (CVA)? The heart fails when, because of intrinsic disease or structural it cannot handle a normal blood volume or, in absence of disease, cannot tolerate a sudden expansion in blood volume. Makes more oxygen available for gas exchange, assisting to alleviate signs of hypoxia and subsequent. Make the atmosphere conducive to communication, remaining sensitive to patient’s reactions and needs and responding to them in an appropriate manner; treat patient as an adult. Schedule for A STAT computer tomography (CT) scan of the head. Rationale: Promotes patient safety, reducing risk of injury. Allows patient to feel hopeful and begin to accept current situation. Differentiate aphasia from dysarthria. Observe affected side for color, edema, or other signs of compromised circulation. Rationale: Demonstrates acceptance of patient in recognizing and beginning to deal with these feelings. Provide self-help devices: extensions with hooks for picking things up from the floor, toilet risers, long-handled brushes, drinking straw, leg bag for catheter, shower chair. This is a great jobe well done. Evaluate need for positional aids and/or splints during spastic paralysis: Rationale: Flexion contractures occur because flexor muscles are stronger than extensors. The affected muscle tissue subsequently becomes necrotic. When teaching about cane use, the rationale for holding a cane on the uninvolved side is to: distribute weight away from the involved side. Decreases the risk for development of cardiac output due to imbalances. Verbalize awareness of own coping abilities. Rationale: Transient hypertension often occurs during acute stroke and resolves often without therapeutic intervention.Used to improve collateral circulation or decrease vasospasm. Tachycardia is usually present (even at rest) to compensate for decreased ventricular contractility. Reinforce structured training program using cognitiveperceptual retraining, visual imagery, reality orientation, and cueing procedures to compensate for losses. Rationale: Agnosia, the loss of comprehension of auditory, visual, or other sensations, may lead result to unilateral neglect, inability to recognize environmental cues, considerable self-care deficits, and disorientation or bizarre behavior. When the mechanical stressors of weight bearing are absent, diffuse osteoporosis can occur. Notify the speech pathologist for an emergency consult. Rationale: Aids in planning for meeting individual needs. Note: Excessive stimulation can predispose to rebleeding. Pregnancy is a minimal risk factor for CVA. Mental status (memory, attention span, perception, orientation, affect, speech/language). Cluster nursing interventions and provide rest periods between care activities. Involve the patient’s SO in plan of care when possible and explain his deficits and strengths. Circulatory stimulation and padding help prevent skin breakdown and decubitus development. If unable to write, have patient read a short sentence. Rationale: Identifies strengths and deficiencies that may provide information regarding recovery. Rationale: Assists in development of retraining program (independence) and aids in preventing constipation and impaction (long-term effects). What is a priority nursing assessment in the first 24 hours after admission of the client with a thrombotic stroke? The assistant places her hand under the client’s right axilla to help him/her move up in bed. Apply a splint at night to prevent flexion of affected extremity. Discuss familiar topics, e.g., weather, family, hobbies, jobs. Rationale: Assesses individual verbal capabilities and sensory, motor, and cognitive functioning to identify deficits/therapy needs. Demonstrate stable vital signs and absence of signs of increased ICP. Holding a cane on the uninvolved side distributes weight away from the involved side. Rationale: Allays anxiety related to inability to communicate and fear that needs will not be met promptly. Rationale: These are measures to prevent pressure ulcers. Establish and maintain communication with the patient. Note inattention to body parts, segments of environment, lack of recognition of familiar objects/persons. Determine outside stressors: family, work, future healthcare needs. Heart failure management programmes in Europe. Maintain optimal position of function as evidenced by absence of contractures, foot drop. A footboard prevents plantar flexion and footdrop by maintaining the foot in a dorsiflexed position. Emphasize small gains either in recovery of function or independence. Thrombolytic medication might have been given at initial presentation but would not be a drug prescribed at discharge. Rationale: May be necessary to resolve situation, reduce neurological symptoms of recurrent stroke. Rationale: Reduces confusion and allays anxiety at having to process and respond to large amount of information at one time. Review pathology of individual condition. Rationale: To prevent pressure on the coccyx and skin breakdown. May be necessary to correct bradydysrhythmias unresponsive to drug intervention, which can aggravate congestive failure and/or produce pulmonary edema. Analyze voiding pattern and offer urinal or bedpan on patient’s voiding schedule. Assist the patient in assuming a high Fowler’s position. © 2021 Nurseslabs | Ut in Omnibus Glorificetur Deus! He’s incontinent and has a tarry stool. Some patients accept and manage altered function effectively with little adjustment, whereas others may have considerable difficulty recognizing and adjust to deficits.

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