xkcd wanna see the code

More details.. I can do some pretty useful stuff with some of my poorly written code. --Kynde (talk) 13:23, 18 April 2019 (UTC). This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). In some rare cases, their being dead solves a good number of problems. In the title text, "downstream" has a double meaning, as it is a term that applies to a situation where a dead body would decompose in or near some river, and as well to a software engineering concept: In the river situation, the dead body will contaminate the water or groundwater that it feeds from and have consequences for organisms that come in contact with that water. I take the "they"s to be the people around him, but it almost makes some sense if it was " And because you're lucky that the people around you understand that it[code,dead body] create[s] more problems than they solve." What is the 'and' connecting? This comic is the fourth in the Code Quality series: . Sometimes I'll completely rewrite a service just because I don't trust the existing one. Instead of biting the bullet, they just make more hacks, access some internal attribute or whatnot. With the title text referring to what happens with either Queballs code or dead bodies if left ignored. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. This may be a reference to the concept of technical debt in software development: the idea that an initially poor implementation accrues a sort of "compound interest" over time, becoming increasingly difficult to repair the longer it is left unfixed. But already with git repositories, it is obvious: put Cueballs hack into a submodule of an aspiring and fast-moving project. This is saying that he is lucky that his coworkers understand that a dead body causes more trouble down the line than it's worth otherwise they would have killed him over how bad his code is. I've never heard that although I suppose it's true. Developers in that environment get accustomed to a good interface that works 90% of the times, and make software that caters to specific quirks, workarounds, etc. I got namechecked in the hovertext of an xkcd comic this month, which may have resulted in more congratulatory messages from friends than when my book was reviewed in the New York Times, so, you know, it’s good to see that everyone has their priorities on track.. My Wired article about code being based on English got translated into Japanese for Wired Japan. Press J to jump to the feed. Take REST apis for example). If your are a beginner or you want to contribute to documentation instead of code, then you should check out this issue Magnanimously, Cueball accepts the comparison, noting that his code does have at least one similarity to a deceased corpse: although unpleasant, if Ponytail allows it to go unchecked, it causes problems which will get increasingly worse over time. Afbach (talk), I'm puzzled by the "And because". many packages in official debian repositories, and their specializations (Realtime gentoo, Media Ubuntu or whathaveya). xkcd is an excellent example of time well wasted. The comic's tagline describes it as "A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language". This happens because any future development might have to take unorthodox or unrecommended measures to work around the problems that are already there, making the system increasingly complex and fragile the more that is added to it. Cueball: Wanna see the code? In the software engineering analogue, "downstream" refers to software derived from, or depending on, "upstream" software like the cadaver that Cueball devised. These are the comics about Cueball's Code Quality.. And because if you just leave it there, it's going to start contaminating things downstream even if no one touches it directly. Your contributions are most welcomed here. Come to discuss the comics and other work by Randall with other fans. The code specifically requests no anti-aliasing, so that the window contains only black and white pixels. Only then it's worth looking at the code. And added that to the end of my latest scripts README.md. I have heard that poorly written code creates more problems than it solves. The next guy comes along, and just copy-pastes that dirty code. they're receiving code. This page was last edited on 30 April 2020, at 12:32. He is lucky, in that people realize they can't ignore his code, and have to deal with it for him before things go sideways. If you want to see how I did the data cleaning go to the github page. He releases a new one every 208 comics, or 69 weeks, on average.

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